Thursday 28 May 2015

What's that tingling I feel on my fingers - Use of Mantras

Dear All,
Experiencing tingling on the fingers during meditation, indicates an obstacle or 'catch' on the chakras which the fingers are related to.

Since a catch on a chakra could be both a health indication as well as reflected externally in some aspect of your life where there could be a problem or where you'd like an improvement, it's useful to know how to clear your catches.
For this we use Mantras.
Here's an example of a Sahaja Yoga mantra(sanskrit, the pronounciations are here) along with translation:
'Om twameva sakshat Shri Ganesha, sakshat Shri Adi Shakti Mataji , Shri Nirmala Devi, Namoh! Namah!'
'Om, you are, indeed Shri Ganesha(archetype of 1st chakra), indeed the primordial energy, (signature: Shri Nirmala Devi), much respect to you'
Below are two diagrams:
1. The Sahaja yoga mantra diagram(also attached) showing the different archetypes on the different chakras. This is the only part of the example mantra given above that is replaced according to which chakra you're clearing.
2. The subtle system chart relating the fingers to the different chakras, so that you know what mantra to use according to which finger is tingling, pricking or hot.
See you at group meditation on Tuesday.

Inline image 2

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