Dear All,
We all know that things
don't change for the better unless we make some concerted effort in the
right direction. This can apply to small things as well as large ones.
If we don't know what effort to make and in which direction, then
......Meditate . It's an investment in yourself .
See you tomorrow!

you've managed to be first in the queue at any of the Christmas
shopping sales in Oxford Street , then you'll know the feeling. It's
the feeling of happy satisfaction at the guaranteed bargain purchase.
But TVs, shoes and other purchases give only temporary satisfaction -
lasting apparently till just after Christmas :o) . If you want a more
long-lasting and worthwhile satisfaction then, as you already know, you
can achieve this better by investing in yourself.
you make some time to Meditate - 5 minutes in the morning/10 minutes in
the evening - and your Kundalini energy goes up, you are investing in
According to ancient Indian philosophy, there are
four aims of life: 'Artha' (wealth), 'Dharma' (fulfilling your purpose
in life/innate sustenance/morality), 'Kama' (pleasure & enjoyment)
and 'Moksha' (spiritual freedom). The Kundalini is described in 'Lalita
Sahasranama' (ancient text) as 'Purusartha Pradayini' , which means the
one that grants these four aims of life.
So any time spent meditating, is effort that will reap reward.
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