it's easy to make a connection between your meditation and how much
better you feel mentally and physically, the connection between your
meditation/kundalini awakening and any changes in your material
circumstances may not be so apparent. But it does exist and, in my
experience and that of others, usually takes one of several forms.
These are (for example):
Getting a new job(perhaps losing an old one); unexpectedly coming into some money; gaining a promotion at work or some form of autonomy; moving house - ( it's quite easy to stop meditating at this point, because the new circumstances take over, but best is to persist)
none of the above has happened to you, but , on the contrary you find
your circumstances rather tight , then don't worry :o). In the same way
that you are able to cure yourself of a physical condition by following a
specific recommended sahaja yoga treatment, there's a treatment for
financial ailments as well :o) .
But before we come to
that, let's consider the country of Greece. In case you don't pay much
attention to the financial news, Greece has a very serious debt problem,
with Debt-to-GDP ratio of 175% . This means that if you were to dig a
very big hole to represent Greece's debts and poured into it the total
productive output of Greece's economy for a year, it would only come
just a little more than half way up to covering the hole.
The world has a lot to thank the Greeks for . They invented politics ('polis' 'attica' - Athenian Democracy) and economics (agora - marketplace) and may have contributed to the foundations of the modern computer technology era by inventing logic (Aristotelian logic
) . All this was a deviation from the original philosophy of Socrates
and since Socratic 'philosophy' was exactly that : 'philo' - love of ,
'sophy/sofia' - the feminine principal of wisdom, it may explain why
things began going downhill after that .
That's not all. According a sahaja yoga understanding Greece represents the Nabhi/Navel chakra of the world ( Delphi
) . If there's a problem with the Nabhi Chakra, then the whole body is
unwell. So if Greece is in bad shape, it's not a very good sign for
where the whole global economy is headed (assuming that the 2008 global
recession is behind us).
To treat your 'inner Greece' then :o), use of an ancient mantra, called the Shri Sukta
may help. Go into thoughtless awareness for a few minutes then with
left palm open on the lap and right-hand placed over the navel listen
and watch the clip. Repeated viewings, and on headphones is useful. The
Shri Sukta is associated with 'Yagnya' (explained in notes below).
See you at group meditation tomorrow.
- according to ancient Indian philosophy, the whole universe is born
out of yagnya, is sustained by yagnya and is continuously engaged in
performing yagnya. When you perform any work, this is yagnya. All
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