Thursday, 28 May 2015

The Body is a Temple - Looking after yourself

Dear All,
It's not all about meditation, the body has to be looked after as well. Here are a few simple tips.
See you tomorrow for group meditation.

The practice of daily meditation improves our ability to cope with stress, solve our problems and generally lead a more balanced and satisfying life, but the machinery of the body has to be taken care of. The reason this is important is firstly because how feel physically has a big effect on how feel about life , the universe and everything; and secondly we need resilience for the long haul: The body is a temple - if you're sick, it's no fun.
Here a few things that I've found useful.
Detoxify : Water, water, everywhere
The Footsoak is a very effect way to detoxify through the feet at the end of the day. It's almost like watching the tensions and troubles of the day get sucked out through the feet. Excellent if you have trouble sleeping. You sleep like a baby and wake up ready to meditate.
Drink 'vibrated' water. You vibrate the water by holding your fingers in the glass of water a few seconds before drinking it . The theory is that vibrations that flow through your hands as a result of the daily meditation is transferred to water and has a beneficial effect internally. Especially good for stomach complaints and alcohol problems.
Crown of the head - anoint yourself with oil
In Medieval art, the sanctity of the head was sometimes shown with a halo drawn around it. At the top of the head is the 'Brahmarandra' meaning 'hole that connects with an all-pervading power' through which the kundalini energy flows to give the sensation of the cool breeze. Regularly massage the head, especially the crown with a natural oil - Sweet Almond oil is very good. Benefits include calmer temperament, easier meditation, prevention of hair loss.
Honey & Ghee (clarified butter) - 'Amrit', nectar of life
Natural or raw honey contains a range of health-giving ingredients if a spoonful is taken daily, by itself. You don't have pay the high price(£10 or more) charged for Manuka Honey, which is over-hyped and in some cases is not the real thing. Holland and Barratt sell Tropical Forest Honey at less than £4 a jar which is harvested from hives in Africa and tastes great.
Along with Honey , ghee(described in a previous email ) is highly recommended in Ayurvedic medicine, which is about health through correct eating. Both honey and ghee are said to be Amrita - the nectar of life.
Finally some exercise is recommended. A daily 20 minute walk through the park helps the cardio-vascular system and joints.

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