Thursday, 28 May 2015

Getting things done already - 'Fire in the Belly' and the wonders of Ginger Tea

Dear All,
Did you know we've providing you with Ginger tea at the end of our meditation sessions. Here's why it's good for you.
See you tomorrow.

One of the things often reported as a result of the daily meditation, is how much more dynamic and energetic you feel, with an increased ability to quickly get things done, whether at work or at home. How does this come about and what simple thing can you do to help it?
In several previous emails, the Nabhi Chakra(energy centre) in the stomach has been mentioned (see: Your strength & clarity - 22/09/14) . The Nabhi Chakra is very much the 'quality of life' chakra. As the Kundalini energy works on the Nabhi, the powers of digestion and the digestive system are improved.
The powers of digestion, according to the science of Ayurveda, depends on the strength of 'Agni' (digestive fire) within an individual. With strong Agni a person has good appetite and good metabolism and can pretty much eat anything and never get any problems. The person also has a lot of mental and physical energy and with this 'Fire in the Belly' is able to get a lot of work done.

A good example of this type was a work colleague from some years ago, who, every lunch time in the staff restaurant, used to pile a small mountain of food on his plate, which as far as I could see was all 'stodge' - mashed potatoes, gravy, boiled cabbage, grease etc. - food guaranteed to put most other people into a light afternoon coma, and yet for this chap the food used to quickly vanish from the plate, making you wonder where he put it, given how slim he was. Anyway, he was a cross-country runner, was likely to be found in a T-shirt in winter and was a highly productive research biochemist.
The opposite of that is a person with weak Agni.
To help the strength of your own Agni, here are two things you can try:
During meditation, with your attention at the crown of the head, hold left palm open towards photograph and press the fingers of the right hand into the navel. Hold the right hand there until you can feel a radiating sensation of vibrations flowing from the stomach to the rest of the body.

Also try taking ginger tea regularly. Below are to short clips showing you how to make ginger tea and the benefits of ginger in general.

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