Dear All,
Group meditation is great for getting out of inertia . Also take a look at this Scientific American article ...
See you tomorrow.

of the things daily meditation can help you with is 'Inertia' - the
tendency for the routines that you are used to, sucking out the
spontaneity and creativity that keeps things fun and fresh and
contributes to your energy of life.
This is why the group
meditation is so useful, once a week - because when we come into the
space of the group meditation, we are bathing in a charged field of
vibrations that can stimulate positive change for us.
indication of this is how the rest of the week seems to work out better
when you've re-charged yourself at group meditation on Tuesday.
the Tuesday boost to your system is supported by your own daily
meditation, then the effect of inertia can be overcome and things do
work out for the better in every area of your life.
another note, how is this for timing? In last week's email focusing on
some of the scientific evidence for the benefits of meditation,
'Scientific American' magazine published in their November issue a cover
article (pdf attached), about mental and physical benefits from
You could ask the question: "If other forms of
meditation, give the same benefits as sahaja yoga meditation, then
what's so unique about sahaja yoga meditation?"
The answer is : one is a life-style choice, the other is evolutionary imperative (nature's way)
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