Monday 2 September 2024

Fire In Your Belly? How To Get Ahead at Work.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Fire In Your Belly? How To Get Ahead at Work.

Dear Friend,

When I first got kundalini awakening and started seriously meditating daily it seemed to trigger a jackpot for me in relation to work.

I got made redundant from a job in 'Big Pharma' which I had wanted to leave anyway. With the generous redundancy payment I went international travelling.

In the space of 12 months I had spent time in India, USA, Greece, Turkey, Italy and Arabia.

When I was ready to work again an opportunity opened up in a global treasury management firm (finance). This would eventually lead me to working at a 'Big Four'.

With that, the change I had wanted to make from science/healthcare to business/finance was complete. And I credit all of that to my kundalini meditation.

It's not just me. Having met many people at our group meditation sessions over a long period of time, I've noticed that those who choose to invest a little time in their kundalini growth, invariably report reaping the benefit materially in some way.

It could be a change of job with more money; moving house to somewhere better or succeeding in something that wasn't working out before. 

If you have personally experienced a sudden improvement in your material circumstances triggered by your daily kundalini meditation (do tell me about it), then you have your Nabhi chakra to thank . It's the 'fire in your belly'. More below.

Also below: Get out of your head by using your hands more; and, a meditation for syncing with the hidden joy in you.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 2nd Sept. - New Moon ( New Beginnings); Fri. 6th - Ganesh Chaturthi (start of 10 days window of opportunity to make things happen!)

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The vibes flowing in your hands have got to go somewhere. Yes, you can heal with it and vibrate water and solve problems with a bandhan. But it's also useful to work with your hands more generally, especially in a creative way. Here's Dr. Wendy Walsh talking about the benefits for you of working with your hands...
Syncing With Your Spirit By Clearing Your Liver & Nourishing Your Left Heart (a Meditation).
Overthinking things takes away your ability to be in the moment and experience joy. Take a few moments now to cool down an overactive liver, which is what makes you busy in your head, and connect to your essential self in your left heart, which is your spirit and the source of Joy...
Havan - The Fire In Your Belly That Helps You Get Ahead at Work.
Everything to do with your relationship to money involving your work and your domestic situation, as well as your health and all forms of consumption, are located in your belly (Nabhi chakra).  Your Nabhi is made up of both the water and fire elements. So you can use water or fire to improve your Nabhi. Even watching this 'sacred fire' (havan) for a few minutes can improve your Nabhi...
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Quote of the Week

 " [Kundalini awakening] helps in many ways I know, it helps also financially. It has helped many financially, it has helped many in their endeavours, in their jobs, everywhere it helps. Because you become yourself, your personality becomes yourself, and you start utilizing that. It is a very, very remarkable thing that is happening in this Kali Yuga, in these modern times. So whatever it is, you all are capable of getting self-realization, this is My assurance. And also the assurance is that you all can grow very deep into to it. You have to give little bit time to yourself also and it will work out."

September 26th 2000, Royal Albert Hall, London (England) 

" Is it true that eye-sight can be strengthened and improved with the meditation?"
In Reply:

Gazing steadily, without blinking, through a candle-flame at your meditation photo until your eyes water can clear your back agnya chakra.

The back agnya chakra is located at the slight bump at the back of your head. It corresponds medically with the Occipital Lobe, which is the brain region responsible for visual processing. 

The practice of 'steadily gazing' at a fixed point is called Trataka in yoga.
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Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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