Monday 30 September 2024

3 Ways to Beat Problems. Where There's a Will There's a Way.


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3 Ways to Beat Problems. Where There's a Will There's a Way.

Dear Friend,

Now that your kundalini has emerged through your fontanel at the crown of your head, to connect you to the 'Paramachaitanya' (self-organising principle of Nature), you have 3 new ways of beating problems.

These are:The Bandhan makes use of the ether element. The Shoebeat makes use of the earth element. And the Paper-Burn makes use of the fire element.

Depending on what the problem is, you can try these methods in combination or individually.

If any of this sounds strange then suspend your disbelief; keep an open mind and see what happens.

Remembering Dr. Brian Wells's account, from last week's newsletter, of his own experience with Kundalini, weird stuff happens that can't be explained by rationality. 

With daily meditation, things do work out . As the saying goes: 'Where there's a will, there's a way'. More below.

Also below: Lifting yourself using the power of the candle; and, using the 'feel-good factor' to bring about the change you want.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Wed. 3rd  to  Sun. 6th Oct  - Navaratri days 1 to 4 ( Conquering & Overcoming).

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Light Therapy - Healing With The Power of a Candle.
When you watch a candle flame, you'll notice that it doesn't always burn steadily. Sometimes it flickers - even without a draft or wind. Sometimes the flame extends itself higher and then it comes back to normal height. The reason why it does this is because it is sensitive and is reacting to something in the immediate environment. Here's how you can make use of this power of the candle to your advantage... 
Feeling Good About Yourself Brings It's Own Rewards (a Meditation).
Putting your happiness on hold until something beyond your control works out, may not be the best approach. Instead, use the happiness attracts happiness approach ( a bit like the rich getting richer). Here's a short meditation to make you feel good inside and discover for yourself what rewards it brings...
3 Ways to Beat Problems by First Solving Yourself.
Whether you resort to the bandhan, paper-burning or the shoebeat to get rid of a problem, their efficacy relies on how far you've developed yourself. Self-development means 'solving' yourself, a bit like a Rubric's cube. Because, as explained here, when you're solved all your problems automatically get solved...
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Quote of the Week

" Your Kundalini has risen and has come up, just like a thin strand of hair that has pierced your Sahasrara and now the grace(vibes ) is flowing into you.
 But it’s a very small movement that has taken place. It has not expanded.. Your chakras are only pierced in the centre, but the rest of the attention is still intact. 
Actually it is so intact, that you don’t even feel that it is pierced. Now you have to expand that, open it out, so that more strands of Kundalini can rise and your attention, which is in these centres, expands. 

By expansion it drives out all that is mythical(false) on the sides."

May 26th 1980, London (England) 

"I'm hiring someone to do some work on my house and have a few candidates. How can I make the right choice?
In Reply:

Ratings and reviews from previous happy customers would be a good way to start.

You can back this up by checking the vibes of the candidates.

You do this by holding both palms open in front of  you, with your attention on a candidate. And noting the sensation felt on your palms.

Do this for each candidate and then go with the one that gives you the  coolest sensation of vibes on your palms. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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