Monday 16 September 2024

When To Push Yourself. Understanding The Law of Entropy.


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When To Push Yourself. Understanding The Law of Entropy. 

Dear Friend,

Things can be fun when new but it's a law of life that at some point a deterioration sets in; unless something is done.

This applies to anything that changes over time, for example, your job, your relationships and even yourself.

In physics, this is known as the 2nd law of thermodynamics or the law of entropy.

In vedic philosophy, this is recognised as the inevitable working of Kala or the destructive effect of the progression of time.

The tendency shows up within the human being as the workings of tamo guna (left channel). From this comes all that hampers growth, such as lethargy - physical, mental and emotional.

Whenever you feel you're stuck in a rut and things aren't moving forward, it may be time to fight yourself. The law of entropy is acting. More below.

Also below: using the 'rhythm method' to your advantage; and, how stilling your breath can calm your stress.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 16th Sept - Ganesha Visarjan (Closing window of opportunity); Tue. 17th - Full Moon ; Fri. 20th - Sankashti Chaturthi (Difficult problem overcome easily).

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The Rhythm Method  - Getting Success From Doing Things at The Right Time.
Putting a lot of effort into achieving something is no guarantee of it's success. You also need to get your timing right. Nature has her rhythm - in Sahaja yoga this is known as ritambara pragnya - which manifests in the change of seasons and the lunar cycle. But everything else is also subject to her rhythm. So how to get your timing right in a way that helps you succeed? Here's a short intro to Moon lore...
Kumbhaka - Press Pause on a Busy Mind By Gently Holding Your Breath Like This.
Feel better in minutes by interrupting the train of disheartening thoughts with a dose of Kumbhaka (yoga breath retention). It's very easy to do and you can do it anywhere. When you still your breath, your mind is stilled also and you can paint a completely different picture. Here's the guided meditation that goes with it... 
When To Push Yourself & What You'll Gain From It.
An antidote to lethargy is to get up and move. Not necessarily physically. It could just be by exercising your will power and a desire for change. With yoga, your kundalini represents that driving force. When you exercise her with daily meditation she can bring about change. Firstly, inwardly and then outwardly. Then this is what else happens...
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Quote of the Week

 "You must know that you have to come up. These trees have come up after a great struggle against the whole atmosphere, against the whole surroundings. They have come up on their own, except for the Mother Earth to which they are connected. So, you people must know that you all are here to come up, to fight yourself."

February 13th 1984, Bordi (India) 

"When is the next one-day meditation retreat?
In Reply:

The next one-day retreat is on Saturday 21st September 10am - 6pm and highly recommended for anyone wanting to create a significant positive shift in any area of their life.

There will be workshops on:
  • Using mantras to get a deeper meditative experience
  • Developing your vibrational awareness
  • Self-care through chakra work
Attendance is high so best Register Now. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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