Monday 23 September 2024

Changed Circumstances. Spending Wealth You Didn't Know About.


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Changed Circumstances. Spending Wealth You Didn't Know About.

Dear Friend,

During the course of your busy day you probably pay attention to a lot of different things. Some of it will be related to your work and the rest frittered away on other things.

According to yoga, in this state your attention flows outwards towards 'objects' and becomes tied up with those objects. This is the price of 'paying attention' to something'. It's the cost of entanglement.

What we pay attention to from moment to moment becomes our 'lived experience', which could be described as a web of entanglements. The Sanskrit word for this is 'Maya' meaning 'illusion'.

When your kundalini is awakened, for the first time your attention is diverted and begins to flow inwards to your essence (your spirit /atma). The web of entanglements begin to unravel and you discover yourself becoming more detached about things.

However, due to conditioning and mental habit the outward flow of the attention does not stop so Maya/ illusion remains.

The benefit of daily kundalini meditation for your attention is like developing a muscle in a gym. It strengthens the inward flow of the attention 

When there's no cost placed on your attention then like any asset it appreciates in value. At that stage when you 'pay attention' to something it can act and have a real effect.

This is spending the wealth you never knew you had. More below.

Also below: rationality is not everything - an interview with Dr. Brian Wells; and, the well-nourished look you begin to get from your meditation.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 24th Sept - Saptami (Your lucky 7th - do it today!); Thurs. 26th - Navami (Be bold ; you're  protected); Sat. 28th - Ekadashi (Replace and Renew).

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What Science Can't Explain - Interview With Dr. Brian Wells.
Dr. Brian Wells is a UK-based international consultant psychiatrist. He spent part of his career working at the Betty Ford Centre in California, famous for being a refuge for celebrities fighting substance addiction. Here, in this 3 minute interview he describes the encounter between his rational and scientific mind and his experience of Kundalini awakening and what happened after...
Pushti - Nourishing Yourself From The Inside Out (a Meditation).
The Sanskrit word 'Pushti' means : 'prosperity, completeness, well-nourished, development, growth'. The source of pushti is your Nabhi chakra in your stomach. It is cultivated by the stream of vibes flowing down from Sahasrara at the top of your head during your Kundalini meditation. Here's a short mantra meditation on your Nabhi to increase your Pushti...
Changed Circumstances - Why You Should Make Use of Your Power of Enlightened Attention.
Never again be at a loss as to how to deal with the challenges that life throws up from time to time. Whatever it is, big or small , put your meditative attention on it and see what happens. Here's how it all works...
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Quote of the Week

"But now, once you start growing by meditative attention, what happens’ that your attention becomes enlightened. Now the job is to motivate your attention. It’s not just to enjoy, but to motivate it, to put it to problems.
Now supposing you have some problem on a national basis – you all can put your attention to that and things will work out. Because you are the channel of this All-pervading Power which is trying to create a new world for you, new human beings. And this evolution can take place very fast if you all decide that: “whatever we have now within ourselves, we should motivate it, we should direct it and put this attention to some use.” It should not be wasted. Whatever wealth we have, it should not be wasted."

March 3rd 1996, Sydney (Australia) 

"I had an interesting experience with the meditation photo. I could feel her actual presence as if she was really there and it wasn't just a photo. I wasn't alarmed in any way. I just felt tremendous comfort and protection. Was it my imagination or have other people had similar experiences?
In Reply:

To meet Shri Mataji in person was like encountering all the forces of Nature embodied in the being of one person.

The photo captures some of that vibe if you're sensitive enough.

So yes, other people have had similar experiences and at least one person believes they were cured with the photo.

Shri Mataji has also said that different photos of herself can have different energies. This means that, depending on which photo you meditate to, you can achieve this or that result.

The familiar photo used for meditation is used because the hands are in mudra poses which, according to yoga, have a benevolent potency in themselves.
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Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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