Monday 9 September 2024

Predictive Text - Your Subconscious Messages. How Lucid Dreams Can Guide You.


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Predictive Text - Your Subconscious Messages. How Lucid Dreams Can Guide You.

Dear Friend,

If you've ever been asleep and dreaming and realised in the dream that you were dreaming, then that's what is called Lucid Dreaming - being 'awake' inside a dream.

While most people  rarely experience lucid dreaming, some people claim to be able to lucid dream at will.

The advantage of this is that it's possible to direct the action in the dreams and also receive information, sometimes predicting the future, that can guide you in  your waking hours.

For the rest of us, dreaming can be a mixed muddle of imagery that can include common themes such as being chased or finding yourself naked in public.

The reason it's a muddle, according to Shri Mataji (see Quote of the Week below), is because when waking from dream, our awareness is emerging through several layers of our subconscious ('ida nadi' /left channel), resulting in a distortion of the original dream content.

Although 5 techniques are suggested here for helping you to lucid dream, the easiest and more natural way is to gradually clear your ida nadi with your daily kundalini meditation. More below.

Also below: Vibrate your water before you drink it and see the effect; and, exercising your 'Power of Now' for a better life.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 10th Sept - Saptami (Window of Opportunity); Wed. 11th - Durgashtami ( Victory is yours); Thurs. 12th - Navami (You're protected); Sat. 14th - Ekadashi (Cut short). 

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Predictive Text - How Lucid Dreams Can Guide You.
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Quote of the Week

 " When you dream, your attention goes down and you start receiving the information from [mooladhara chakra]. But what happens.. the subconscious has many stratas. It has the collective subconscious,  then you have got the subconscious which was yours in previous lives. Then you have got the subconscious of this life and then you have the subconscious of today. So all these things it passes through. But if you have a very clear-cut passage in this subtle channel called as Ida Nadi, then you see the right things. But people have all these complications on this center, so they don’t see the right things and the dreams can get absolutely mutilated.

 It’s a telecommunication system but if the line is not all right, you can get any sort of a sound, meaning nothing. So better develop that first. Then you’ll be able to find out clearly."

October 1st 1983, Santa Cruz, California (USA) 

" I have a stressful job and find it difficult to relax when I come home. This means that I either don't meditate in the evening or find it difficult to silence my thoughts if I do.  What can I do?
In Reply:

Try cutting down on the amount of coffee you're drinking during the day, if you're a coffee fan. It can be an over-stimulant.

Try 'discharging' yourself of pent-up tension by grounding ( standing barefoot or sitting on the ground) when you get home.

Try some appropriate 'wind-down' surround sound music.

And foot soak to get rid of the hang-over 'static energy' from having interacted with people in a pressured work environment. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

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Mind Rest.

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Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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