Monday 26 August 2024

Necessary Facials. Why You Should Take Care of Your ENT.


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Necessary Facials. Why You Should Take Care of Your ENT.

Dear Friend,

Among the 8 reasons for visiting an ENT (Ears, Nose & Throat) specialist are :
  • Chronic ear infections
  • Sinusitis
  • Chronic sore throat
  • Sleep apnea (stopping breathing repeatedly while sleeping)
In the long tradition of yoga practice, as well as in Ayurvedic medicine, certain cleansing Dinacharya (daily-routines) are recommended for keeping your ENT in good health.

These could include:
  • Using a Neem- based toothpaste, gargling, and using a tongue scraper to remove mucus coating from the tongue; all as part of oral hygiene. Neem is a medicinal plant with anti-inflammatory and anti- bacterial properties.
  • Doing regular Nyasa (drops in the nose) with ghee to lubricate sinuses.
  • Doing regular Karna Purana - drops of warm oil in the ears.

The effect of these practices is to improve the quality of your Vishuddhi chakra.

Because your Vishuddhi also looks after your eyes and tongue, it could be described as the chakra for your face and personality.

With the daily practice of your Kundalini meditation, your Vishuddhi chakra is gradually being improved anyway.

So your Vishuddhi is the equivalent of having your own personal on-board ENT specialist. More below.

Also below: Nourishing yourself on some Zen art; and, a meditation for integrating the 3 parts of your heart.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 27th Aug. - Navami (You're protected!); Thurs. 29th - Ekadashi ( Get rid of stuff - therapeutic house clearing); Sat. 31st - Shivaratri (Be true to your heart).

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It's been said that art by Sahaja yogis emits vibes. So here's some of the Chinese-inspired art of Prasad Beaven. His art won the 2021 Ciclitira Prize and here he is pictured being presented with it by HRH King Charles. Prasad says that his works emerge out of a meditative state. In other words, like the Zen of the ancient Chinese masters. Feel the vibes on this sample of Prasad's work at The Stratford Gallery...
Finding What You're Looking For In Your Heart First (a Meditation).
In your subtle body ('suksma-sarira') your physical heart has 3 parts to it : your left heart chakra, your centre heart chakra and your right heart chakra. Your left heart is coloured by your relationship with your mother; your right heart is coloured by your relationship with your father and your centre heart is your sense of security. Here's a meditation for your heart to restore perfection...
Taking Care of Your ENT. How Your Face Changes.
As your Vishuddhi chakra improves with your daily meditation, it not only looks after the health of your ears, nose and throat (ENT) but also has an effect on your overall facial appearance. Other people notice it on you first. Here are some of the changes to look out for - it's as if you're reconstructing yourself from the inside out...
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Quote of the Week

 " Vishuddhi chakra also plays part, as you know, on the sixteen chakras or the sub-plexuses which look after your face, your ears, nose, eyes, neck – all these things are looked after by Vishuddhi chakra...Also the teeth and the tongue are looked after by Vishuddhi chakra. So your teeth which are in trouble get cured; also your tongue improves.

As a result , you can become great actors, you can have eyes which are innocent, you can have skin which is shining, you can have ears which can hear the divine music, you can have a nose which shows your dignity. In the same way, your whole facial expression changes."

August 6th 1988, Como (Italy) 

" Sometimes when I meditate I find it difficult to become thoughtless. What can I do?"
In Reply:

When it's difficult to silence your thoughts, it's usually because of an 'over-active' or 'hot' liver.

To cool your liver down, you can place your left hand over it (below rib-cage on your right side), because your left hand/side represents your moon side which is cooling.

Alternatively, Instead of using your left hand, you could use an ice-pack covered in a tea towel, which will cool your liver down faster.

The effect is usually immediate, so as your liver cools down , your brain becomes quieter as well.

The ice-pack treatment is generally very good for any mental stress states.
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