Monday 7 October 2024

Things Done When You're Brave. Durga Puja.


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Things Done When You're Brave. Durga Puja.

Dear Friend,

On the 2024 Indian lunar calendar, the nine nights ('Nava-ratri') between Thursday 3rd October and Tuesday 12th October is when a certain aspect of the Divine Feminine is active and at it's strongest.

In recognition of this, all across India and the Indian diaspora, a celebration takes place of this aspect, which is visualised as Shri Durga - the warrior Mother.

Shri Durga is depicted as a goddess seated on a fierce lion (or tiger). In her many hands she is holding different weapons for fighting all that is negative in the human psyche.

This is to help bring about individual and collective liberation from all that prevents human flourishing.

According to Yoga, the place of Shri Durga is in the centre heart chakra of human beings.

Interestingly that anatomical location in the sternum bone is where anti-bodies that fight infection are produced up until puberty.

When the centre heart chakra is weakened and the Durga aspect recedes, possibly due to childhood insecurities, it affects how immune that person is and how robust their health.

It's not just immunity from disease. It's also a robustness in every other aspect of life as well; how well you're able to overcome challenges.

This is what Shri Durga gives you: bravery in the face of adversity. And with that you can achieve more than you imagined. More below.

Also below: How to tone yourself by oiling your feet; and a meditation to strengthen your centre heart. 

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 7th  to  Sat. 12th Oct  - Navaratri days 5 to 10 ( Conquering & Overcoming); Sun. 13th - Ekadashi (Renewing yourself).

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How to Rejuvenate Your Whole Body With a Warm Oil Massage of Your Feet.
Headaches, insomnia, anxiety, stress and fatigue can all  be relieved with Padabhyanga, an ancient Ayurvedic treatment involving the massage of your feet with warm oil. It enhances the benefits you get from your regular footsoak. And, can have a toning and rejuvenating effect on your whole body if done properly as demonstrated here...
Winning Spirit - Love, Courage & Your Centre Heart Chakra (a Meditation).
It's how much heart you put into something that can make the difference. Your heart chakra is directly connected by kundalini to your Sahasrara (merged with the all-pervading energy in yoga). So if you want something to work, start with your heart . Here's a short meditation to clear your heart chakra and allow love and courage to do it's work...
Durga Puja - Things Done When You're Brave.
The word 'Puja' means the celebration or worship of an aspect of divinity. In Kolkata (the centre heart chakra of the Mother earth) , Durga puja is the biggest festival, with dance-drama depictions of Durga's battle with negative forces. You get a sense of how powerful Durga puja is in this short extract...
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" Raise yourself up! Rise above it. You have got the Kundalini. You have got the Kundalini with you. Then why should you worry? You have to be brave. What’s the use of getting Realisation if you are not going to be brave ? "

July 5th 1982, London (England) 

"I had a childhood trauma that continues to negatively affect my relationships as an adult. What chakras do I need to meditate on to heal?
In Reply:

Childhood experiences are imprinted in the subconscious. The subconscious is represented by 'ida nadi' which is the left yogic channel of your subtle body- ( sukshma sharira').

It's the dirty linen closet of the human psyche.

To do the laundry and clear any self-sabotaging impulses arising from your subconscious, try doing the lemon and chilli detox.
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Mind Rest.

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Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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