Monday 1 July 2024

8 Ways of Impressing Yourself...Eventually. How Real are The Ashta-Siddhis?


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8 Ways of Impressing Yourself...Eventually. How Real are The Ashta-Siddhis?

Dear Friend,

It's always fascinating to hear about people's extraordinary experiences with their Kundalini meditation. And it could be a preview of the potential abilities in all of us.

Lily describes how she felt a hole at the top of her head open up and the sensation of 'melting into the universe'. Her friend, sitting beside her, nods and adds that 'everything was Love' (watch here 1 min).

Steve described being with a random group of people and being able to 'hear' what each of them was about to say, before they opened their mouth to say it.

Beth* described the sensation of her body feeling so light as she meditated that she felt the need to hold onto something to prevent herself from floating up (levitating).

In the Kundalini yoga literature, Beth's experience is a 'siddhi' (power) called 'Laghima', meaning 'the ability to become weightless or lighter than air'.

Along with 'Laghima' siddhi, there are seven more that are mentioned in the literature, making a total of 8 siddhis and often referred to as the 'ashta-siddhis'.

But nowhere in the literature is mentioned the ability to be in two different places at the same time, which was documented about Shri Mataji in a newspaper story about a traffic accident in Bedfordshire (Read it here).

One thing Shri Mataji did say about siddhis is that you can have them too. So dedicate some time to daily meditation and impress yourself in 8 different ways...eventually. More below.

Also below: How wearing the right gemstone can help you with anything; and, a simple trick for pressing pause on a busy mind.

*name changed

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon.1st July -  Ekadashi (Creative destruction); Thurs. 4th - Shivaratri (Nurture your spirit ); Fri 5th - New Moon (New Beginnings). 

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
In India it is said that the blue sapphire stone chooses it's wearer. Other people should avoid it. Wearing a red ruby ring will help your heart and matters of the heart. Green emerald brings peace and prosperity. Here's what the other gemstones can help you with (via the chakras they correspond to) ...
Crowd Control - Calming Your Mental Chatter With Breath.
'Kumbhaka' is a technique of 'breath retention' associated with yoga pranayama. When your breathing becomes 'still' your mind can become still too. Being in 'thoughtless awareness' is easier. This can help you with creativity and focus, and stops anxiety and overthinking.  You can do it anywhere, anytime. Here's the short guided meditation to get you started...
Ashta-Siddhis  - Developing Your Powers
No one I know of practices Sahaja yoga to acquire special abilities ('ashta-siddhis'). They practice it for the mental, physical and emotional wellbeing that  it brings about in a short space of time. Everything else that comes is just a cherry on a cake. Or many cherries. Here's Shri Mataji talking about how you might in future be able to start and stop the rain amongst other abilities...
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Quote of the Week

"I  told you yesterday that [you] have to know about the powers that [you] have, and the powers that [you] can get.
The first power that you get after Realisation is the greatest power on Earth, and that power is of raising the Kundalini. No one so far in the history of spirituality has ever raised the Kundalini in such a short time as you people are doing. It moves under your fingers."

January 27th 1980, Bordi (India).

"My mum is sick. What can I do to help her? "
In Reply:

First check her vibes on your hands to see whether it's a left-sided or right-sided condition she's suffering from.

If it's left-sided, you'll feel no vibes on your left palm and it could even feel hot. And similarly but on right-hand if it's a right-sided condition.

The treatment for a right-side condition is to use water ie. footsoak. The treatment for a left-side condition is to use fire ie. candle-flame up and down left side of the body ( see this self-care guide).

If in addition, you feel any sensations on specific fingers then that will indicate the affected chakra(s) and you can use the finger physician guide to help clear it.

If your mum is open to it then raise her kundalini, teach her how to meditate and print and give her this photo of Shri Mataji in the red sari to meditate to.

It is the photo of used at Vashi hospital in India because of peoples' experience of it's healing properties.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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