Monday 24 June 2024

Figuring It Out Differently. Your New Way to Solve Problems.

Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Figuring It Out Differently. Your New Way to Solve Problems.

Dear Friend,

Katya Rubia is a professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at King's College London and a leading expert in ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in children.

The main symptoms of ADHD include difficulty with paying attention and hyperactivity. And, it is estimated that 5% of children in the UK are affected. The estimate for adults is 3-4% .

However, attention deficit is not just limited to those who have been diagnosed. It may be affecting all of us.

The average human attention span is reported to have dropped from 12 seconds in 2000 to about 8 seconds in 2015, and may have since decreased further. 

A goldfish can focus for 9 seconds.

Since your ability to focus also helps you come up with solutions to any problems you may have, improving your attention is an invaluable life asset.

In a science paper published by professor Katya Rubia and others, Sahaja yoga meditation was shown to improve the attention by increasing the brain's grey matter.

The more grey matter you have, the more creative you're likely to be and the more your powers of 'thinking-outside-the-box'.

You really will be able to solve your problems by figuring it out differently. More below.

Also below: Oiling your belly-button can be good for you; and, what to do when you're worried. 

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 24th June - Sankashti Chaturthi ( Best day for solving a long-standing problem); Fri. 28th - Saptami (Your Lucky 7th ); Sun. 30th - Navami (You're protected).

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According to Ayurveda, regularly putting a few drops of warm almond oil in your navel gives you 'glowing skin and healthy hair'; mustard oil is good for digestive issues; olive oil helps with menstrual cramps; hemp seed oil alleviates joint pains. The reason it works is because there are 72,000 'nadis' radiating out from the navel to every part of the body. Here's all you need to know about Nabhi Chikitsa...
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Worry less and meditate more. The first is a dead-end but the second will actually get you somewhere. All you have to do is remain quiet in your head long enough for your Kundalini to make a connection between your heart chakra (wishes) and your Sahasrara (fulfillment). Use this short guided meditation whenever you're worried about something...
Figuring It Out Differently. Your New Way of Solving Problems. 
When your Kundalini rises in meditation, she merges your limited attention with the 'everything-happening-everywhere-all-at-once' ('Paramachaitanya'). This allows you to come up with creative solutions to problems, that surprise even you. Here's more on how your problems are solved...
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Quote of the Week

"So far you have had habits of dealing with things: your  worldly problems, personal problems, physical problems,  but now ...your solutions and your styles have to be different.
You have to experiment and see for yourself. Your attention itself is flooded with that light which is dynamic. Now, if anything comes in your attention, you just connect your attention with the Divine’s attention. then the whole mechanism, that enlightened attention of yours  will work out, the whole force. And the attention has to be there, has to be in the subtle. Because your attention is in the gross that’s why you attack the problem in this manner [ previous habits of dealing with problems]."

February 20th 1978, London (England).

"There's a place I have to visit regularly and don't feel great there. Is it the vibes? "
In Reply:

Yes, it's possible to be affected by the energy of people and places.

That's why it's useful to protect your aura with a bandhan as a matter of habit when leaving the house. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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