Monday 8 July 2024

Space-Time & You. How The Universe Works.


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Space-Time & You. How The Universe Works.

Dear Friend,

The universe, according to science, exploded out of a 'singularity' smaller than the full-stop at the end of this sentence and thousands and thousands of times hotter than the sun, about 14 billion years ago.

That explosion is referred to as The Big Bang. Out of it came the galaxies and stars, as well as this Earth we live on, and the Sun we see in the sky.

Although the Earth is spinning at 1000 miles per hour, nobody is flung off with such tremendous speed.

The Mother Earth lovingly holds us to herself with just enough force (gravity) to prevent that from happening. But still allowing that we can jump for joy when we want to.

The distance and gravitational pull between the Sun and the Earth produces Earth's elliptical path around the Sun which gives us the different seasons so that we can grow our food and flowers at the time that best suits.

When we've worked and played all day, we get tired and want to sleep, so the Earth's rotation around her axis gives us the period of darkness, we call night.

That all this human convenience should arise randomly out of a violent explosion at the beginning of time, seems difficult to believe.

It would be like pouring different coloured paint into one bucket, flinging it at a white wall and discovering that the 'mess' was a perfect portrait of the Mona Lisa. More below. 

Also below: How to put positive vibes into your living space to correct any problems; and, touching deep silence in meditation to manifest what you want. 

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon.9th July - Vinayaka Chaturthi (Make a start.); Sat. 13th - Saptami ( Vibes are good); Sun. 14th - Durgashtami ( You're protected).

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Your home should support your health, wealth and happiness because it's the outward manifestation of your Nabhi chakra. If there's any deficiency in any of these, you can do the meditative work on your Nabhi chakra; place a meditation photo in certain rooms as a talisman; and use the following 'Vastu' tips to get the vibes flowing into the parts of your home that need it.... 
How Everything You Want Is Contained In The Silence of The Cosmos.
Whatever upsets you; whatever makes you unhappy or frustrated, it's solution lies in a deep, deep silence. This silence is pregnant with every possibility. Your kundalini can tap into that. Feel the effect of this guided meditation and, by the way, the blowing sound you hear as you listen is an audio excerpt that helps your kundalini to rise... 
Space-Time & You  - How The Universe Works. 
A group of cosmologists and astrophysicists were asked:  "What Happened before The Big Bang?" .
One of them says that time only came into existence 'after' the Big Bang, so a 'before' is meaningless. Another speculates that maybe before the Big Bang there was another universe that existed and which disappeared. Bingo! That's how Shri Mataji explains it here (4 min read), along with how it's all linked to human evolution ...
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Quote of the Week

"Tonight we had decided to talk about Creation but our management has not been able to provide me with a chalk and with a blackboard so, I don’t know, I’ll try to explain it without drawing. It’s a very difficult subject. And I’ll try to make it intelligible.

We can say that the process of Creation is an eternal process. Means a seed becomes a tree and the tree becomes a seed, and the seed becomes a tree, and it goes on and on – it’s eternal. So, it cannot have a starting point and it cannot have an ending point. It goes on and on and on."

February 20th 1977, New Delhi (India).

"I'll be interviewing for an important job next week. Any tips for managing anxiety? "
In Reply:

Look after your vibes in the days leading up to it. This means you feel centred and can feel the cool breeze on your hands and above your head whenever you check.

If you don't feel this then spend a little extra time in meditation and footsoaking.

Once you've got yourself together then you'll be relaxed and whatever you're involved with, whether interviewing or anything else, will flow better. 
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