Monday 15 July 2024

Would You Take a Vaccine for Anti-Ageing? How Nature Already Knows a Trick.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Would You Take a Vaccine for Anti-Ageing? How Nature Already Knows a Trick.

Dear Friend,

Remember COVID-19? That a vaccine was produced within a period as short as 10 months was a triumph of medical science. It takes 10 year normally.

And for this success, science has to thank the way the body naturally works. Because vaccines only act by kick-starting the body's own disease defence mechanism ( Immune Response).

In a recently published 'human challenge' study at Imperial College, some volunteers deliberately infected with the COVID-19 virus hardly got sick. Not because of a vaccine, but because of their own unique immune response.

The body can sometimes go it alone and needs no help.

Now, an anti-ageing vaccine may be on the horizon. This is important because ageing is a risk factor for so many common diseases such as cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's, which affects millions of people.

If ageing is solved then these diseases are solved and people will be healthier for longer (increased health-span).

As with all vaccines, an anti-ageing vaccine will rely on the body's own anti-ageing biological pathways.

Is it possible then that the body has a way of going it alone with anti-ageing without the help of a vaccine?

The Kundalini yoga literature says there is, so every time you sit down in meditation it's having an anti-ageing effect on you and increasing your health-span. More below.

Also below: how to make an Ayurvedic health drink to perk you up; and, how to nourish yourself on vibes.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon.15th July - Navami (You're protected. Go for it!); Wed 17th - Ekadashi (Creative destruction); Sun 21st - Full Moon (Let your spirit shine).

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If you're looking to top up the rejuvenating effect of your daily meditation then get some yogurt and honey and 3 other ingredients to make this delightful 'nectar of immortality'. It's considered an approximation of the 'ambrosia' that the Greek gods and goddesses drink to maintain their youth. 
How To 'Drink Heaven' When You Meditate .
The flow of vibes down from the Sahasrara chakra during meditation can sometimes feel like someone is tipping a jar of honey on your head and it is slowly trickling down your face. It is this that leads to the Kundalini's rejuvenating effect . If you've never felt this then try with the following short guided meditation, then check your face in the mirror...
Nature Already Knows How To Rejuvenate You & Keep You Healthy. 
When vibes flow down into your Nabhi chakra during meditation, a process of 'digestion' takes place. The vibes are broken down into the 'tanmatras' (subtle elements). The subtle of the water element is emollience that keeps the skin supple. The subtle of the fire element is radiance that gives a glow to the face. Here's how Shri Mataji further describes it...
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Quote of the Week

" Then all your diseases will disappear so fast with this Yoga (Kundalini) that you won’t need anything like a hospital... Like the 'Ardhanari Nateshwara'* is the Shiva, that will be the state of human beings. Their old age will disappear; their body will remain as it is and they will have a body which is divine. What a promise! [Laughter …"

*Harmonious balance of the best of human qualities

January 30th 1982,  Solapur (India)  - Translating a 1400- year old prediction about the future state of human beings.

" I was out shopping on the weekend and suddenly felt the cool breeze on top of my head. Why might that have happened? "
In Reply:

It's your vibrational awareness developing. The kundalini is like a barometer of good and not so good vibes around you. 

You may have been near somebody or something with positive vibes and that's why your kundalini responded by rising to produce the cool breeze on top of your head.

The more you tune into the vibes the better your awareness of the Truth essence of things, and the better choices you make.
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Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

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Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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