Monday 22 July 2024

Higher Than Birds & Bees. How Growth Helps You.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Higher Than Birds & Bees. How Growth Helps You.

Dear Friend,

If you've ever watched the pigeons wandering about in Trafalgar Square, you'll know that they have only one aim in life : to find their next meal.

All of ecological life - birds, bees and animals etc. - is like this. The sole motivation is how to eat to survive.

At the level of human beings, we move away from this consumption imperative (or at least some people do), to higher wants and needs.

These wants and needs, including the want for love and belonging, can be stacked on top of each other and are illustrated by Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

At the top of Maslow's pyramid, the final need, is for self-actualisation or self-realisation. But there's no real guide book in psychology for getting there.

The reason why is because it's an evolutionary step, rather than merely a psychological step. But no one can evolve themselves either.

However,  with kundalini-awakening and developing yourself with daily meditation, you do grow. 

And then by a trickle-down effect from the top of Maslow's pyramid all your lower needs and wants are fulfilled. 

In the Bhagavad Gita this outcome is described as 'yoga kshema vahamyaham',  meaning : 'get to yoga (union with the divine, which your Kundalini does) and then your wellbeing is automatically looked after'. More below.

Also below: sign-up for the  free dance & yoga classes in Mayfair which are on again in August; and, a meditation for better relationships.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Wed. 24th July - Sankashti Chaturthi (Solution to long-standing problems); Sat. 27th - Saptami (Your Lucky 7th !).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
Here's another chance to make new friends, get fit and immerse yourself in Indian culture at the Nehru Centre in Mayfair. These courses are popular, there are limited spaces, and it's first come first served. So don't hang about; register your interest now...
Enjoying Better Relationships & Better Vibes From a Better Vishuddhi Chakra.
If you take a moment to study both your hands, you may see in them a reflection of your personality. The chakra of your personality is your Vishuddhi. So when your Vishuddhi opens, your hands communicate the vibes to you better and you in turn communicate with others better. Here's a short meditation to open your Vishuddhi... 
How Growth Helps You ('Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds). 
This 2014 Sci-Fi movie was based on the idea, said to be false,  that we only use 10% of our brains. And if we found a way to use more we'd become like Lucy - highly evolved. In the movie, Lucy is both traumatised and traumatising which doesn't seem very evolved. Here's how real evolution helps you...
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Quote of the Week

"So far, up to this evolutionary process, it was not necessary for you to know that you have come from amoeba to a fish and from fish to a turtle and from a turtle to a pig and then onwards you have become a chimpanzee, from chimpanzee to human beings. It was not necessary for you to know but at this stage, it is necessary that you should know, but why? The question is all right but answer is like this, that the evolutionary process till you became human being, [happened] when you had no freedom to choose.

At this stage, you have freedom to choose, to develop yourself in such a way that you have freedom to choose. Now once you have freedom to choose, you choose rightly. And rightly when you choose you get it, because the evolutionary process, now is a much higher, much higher thing."

July 18th 1980,  Brighton (England) 

" My friend and I both got our kundalini-awakening at the same time. It has transformed me and my life, but my friend has remained the same. Why is that? "
In Reply:

It depends on the individual, plus the awakening is just the beginning. You have to meditate in order to develop it.

If you want your sprouted seed to grow into a fruit tree and give you fruits you need to cultivate it.

The other thing I've noticed happening because it happened to me when I first got Kundalini awakening, is that it is easy to hit the 'snooze button'.

What this means is that kundalini awakening is like your morning alarm bell going off . Some people jump straight out of bed to greet the new day. Other people hit the snooze button and go on sleeping.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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