Monday 2 October 2023

On Healing Others. Understanding The Do's & Don'ts.


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On Healing Others. Understanding The Do's & Don'ts.

Dear Friend,

A nice person was once a regular at the weekly group meditation sessions and learned a lot about the kundalini through their own experience with Sahaja yoga.

At the end of one session they mentioned to me how they had managed to heal somebody as a result. 'Fantastic!', I thought. The proof of the cake is in the eating.

Now they knew I hadn't just been telling them stuff. 

But a little knowledge...

Encouraged by their new-found ability to heal they went into 'private practice' you could say,  and took on more 'patients'.

After some time this person developed health problems of their own and had to give up the new vocation.

Why did they get sick? 

The experience of Alex, a palliative care consultant in the NHS who is also a Sahaja yogini, illustrates the reason.

She says that when you spend time with a sick person and are invested in their health outcome, it's natural that a human bond develops.

This is a bond of compassion but could also be a chink in your armour - their un-wellness becomes your un-wellness.

The only way you can work in that environment is to make sure that there are no chinks in your armour so that the profession doesn't take it's toll on you.

What our retired healer wasn't doing was putting on chink-free armour of protection, which is what the bandhan is. More below.

Also below: Have a Bollywood movie night with one of my favourite films (free to watch and with English sub-titles); and, learning to feel vibes better.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 2nd Oct. - Sankashti Chaturthi (Your difficulties overcome); Thurs. 5th - Saptami (Vibes strong - your lucky day); Sat. 7th - Navami ( Vibes strong - you're protected; be bold!).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
One of my favourite old Bollywood movies is 'Jagte Raho' ('Stay Awake'). It's the story of a tramp in search of a drink of water and the hustle he has to go through overnight in an apartment block to get it. It's really a parable of a seekers journey to self-realisation. It may not be entirely a coincidence that Shri Mataji was a board member for Indian Film Certification circa 1956 when the film came out. Here is the 'self-realisation' scene right at the end...
True Talk - Listening To What Your Hands Have To Say.
Appearances can be deceptive. But the vibes don't lie. Hold your palms open and think about somebody you know. The sensations you start feeling on your palms will be reflective of the person you're thinking about. If you're unable to feel vibes very well on your hands then use this short meditation to develop your inward sensitivity to vibes...  
On Healing Others. Understanding The Does & Don'ts.
Put yourself in a bandhan. Don't use it as an ego-trip. Don't set up a 'hospital'. Do regularly clear yourself out by sitting on the mother earth and foot-soaking. Do replenish yourself with the vibes by daily meditation. These are all some of things you need to be aware of if you're going to heal somebody. The more you use the vibes, the richer you become, Shri Mataji explains here...
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Quote of the Week

“Whom should I give vibrations?”; “Whom should I put attention to?"; "Where should I put this energy of mine?”.  Once you start using [the Vibes] it starts flowing much more, much more... And then you start seeing wonders, what’s happening."

June 4th 1995, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

"My mum's not well. How can I help her? I've told her about Sahaja yoga and she's open to it."
In Reply:

The awakened kundalini improves health so the first thing you can do to help your mum is to raise her kundalini.

You can do this by slowly raising your right hand up the middle of her back from bottom to top of head three times while she is comfortably seated. First, having raised your own kundalini and putting on a bandhan. 

Check to see if the kundalini can be felt as a cool breeze flowing through the top of her head.

Next, hold both palms open towards her from behind to see which of her chakras have 'catches' based on the sensations you feel on your fingers. You can use this 'finger physician' map to do a diagnosis.

Chakras are cleared by rubbing the related finger (see 'finger-physician' map) on your own hand.

Keep working in this way until both your palms feel cool when held out towards your mum.

Finish by again raising your mum's kundalini and putting on a bandhan and then repeating this for yourself.

This is all that is done in a 'workshop' at the group meditation sessions.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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