Monday 30 October 2023

Butterfly Effect. What To Do When You're Anxious.


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Butterfly Effect. What To Do When You're Anxious.

Dear Friend,

In science, the  Butterfly Effect refers to how something as small as a butterfly flapping it's wings in Brazil, could lead to a stronger hurricane in the US.

It's another way to say that in a connected system eg. the climate ( or you with your kundalini connection) a small change in one place can lead to big effects elsewhere.

Butterflies also refers to the uneasy sensation you feel in your stomach when you're nervous or anxious.

The nervousness or anxiety is typically about some external event or situation that you have no control over.

However, whenever this happens to you just cover your stomach with your right hand while meditating and remain like this.

What happens is that Your Nabhi chakra opens and the coolness of the kundalini is felt there; bringing a feeling of peace into the stomach.

Soon a connection is formed between your Nabhi and Sahasrara chakra and you relax. The anxious feeling disappears and if you take a note later  of what happens, inevitably,  the original cause of the anxiety also disappears.

So a small thing like giving vibes to your Nabhi can lead to a change in your external circumstances.

This is not just limited to matters directly affecting you but also potentially works at a much wider level. More below.

Also below:  Finding some light in the dark at Halloween; and, a repeat of how inner peace is really in the stomach.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tues.31st Oct - Sankashti Chaturthi (Welcome Breakthrough!); Sat. 4th Nov - Saptami (You're a bundle of Vibes!). 

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If you're the kind of person that likes to get into the Halloween spirit, which is 'celebrated' on Tuesday 31st October, then you should be aware that it's likely that they got the date wrong. According to the Indian lunar calendar (see below), the equivalent of Halloween is 'Naraka Chaturdashi' , a very dark night of the No /New Moon , that falls during the  Indian Diwali celebrations in November. Here's what you need to know...  
Inner Peace - Calming Your  Stomach To Settle Yourself.
The gut(stomach / viscera) acts like a 'second brain' and there's a two-way exchange of information that causes you to react to your environment in a certain way. Any feeling of anxiety about anything starts in the stomach. So to calm yourself down try paying attention to your stomach  ie . your Nabhi chakra and Void. Here's a mantra meditation you can use...
Butterfly Effect - The World & What You Can Do About It.
According to Sahaja Yoga, Your Void (Bhavasagara or 'Ocean of Illusion') is formed by the movement of the Swadisthana around the Nabhi chakra. So we all carry the state of the world around with us in our stomach. If there's a war somewhere; if there's anger and conflict, then it's reflected in us individually. Attend a rally if you want, far more effective though is to work on your inner peace. As Shri Mataji explains here, the world is for you to solve... 
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Quote of the Week

“The entire society is made like this where everybody is working in [a] troubled condition.  According to my thinking, there is nothing as such, for which a human being has to hurry up.  Now, how can [ that restless nature which is within you ] be treated? The treatment is that, as soon as Kundalini comes to your Nabhi Chakra, then peace will prevail. [A] Human being becomes peaceful."

April 2nd 1986, Kolkata (India).

"I've done Vipassana Meditation. I also practiced TM (Transcendental Meditation) and I'm a Reiki Master. I once went on a Shamanic retreat  and experimented with ayahuasca. Is it OK to combine this with Sahaja Yoga?"
In Reply:

It's up to you what you do, but in my experience if you mix any other practice with Sahaja yoga you shouldn't be surprised if you get mixed results.

Before I discovered Sahaja yoga, I too was into other forms of meditation.

When I got kundalini awakening I didn't drop the old practices straightway but tried to incorporate what I thought was the best of both.

But, gradually, as the silent transformative effect of kundalini awakening began to work me free of past conditionings, my meditation practice became simpler and began to have real effects . 

I also progressed much faster with the innate understanding (based on vibes) of what was beneficial for me and what wasn't.

But that's just my journey. Personal experience is the best guide, so it's better to arrive at this in your own way.  
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