Monday 23 October 2023

Satisfaction Guaranteed. Why You Should First Solve Yourself.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Satisfaction Guaranteed. Why You Should First Solve Yourself.

Dear Friend,

After your 'creature comforts'  - your physical needs for warmth, shelter and food - are taken care of, according to Maslow's Hierarchy, you've got other needs.

These needs, including for love, belonging and recognition, can be stacked on top of each other to form an aspirational ladder that everyone is trying to climb.

And there lies the opportunity for dissatisfaction - because we're social creatures and compare ourselves to others.

However, right at the top of Maslow's Hierarchy is 'self-actualisation'. This could be described as a satisfaction with yourself. But who ever reaches there?

There's enough to be getting on with at the lower levels: more things to buy; more things to do. Self-actualisation can wait.

In the philosophy of Yoga, there's a slightly different take on human wanting.

These are captured in the 4 Purusharthas, which are: 1. Dharma (Job), 2. Artha (Money), 3. Kama (Love), 4. Moksha (Freedom).

The advantage of your Sahaja yoga practice is that it cuts to the chase: It takes you towards 'moksha', the 4th goal first.

The kundalini's aim is to make you 'jivan-mukti' (freedom or moksha while living).

What is discovered with this, is that all the other needs/wants are then automatically fulfilled with the progress in your kundalini meditation practice.

The self-realisation (kundalini awakening) becomes the 'self-actualisation' of Maslow's Hierarchy and everything below flows from that.

So, let your kundalini solve you (working out your different chakras) then your satisfaction is guaranteed. More below.

Also below: Why not plan a trip to Kolkata? And, how not to put a foot wrong in day-to-day matters.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 23rd - Tues 24th Oct : Navaratri - Fierce Love (Days 9 & Final Day/ Day of Victory of 10-day celebration of Divine Feminine in India); Wed. 25th - Papankusha Ekadashi (breaker of bad habits); Sat. 28th - Kojagiri Purnima (Full Moon - Gaining wealth at night).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
Some of my fondest memories of Kolkata include slowly drifting down the Hooghly River (Ganges) on a boat and posing for photos with my Bengali 'family' outside the Victoria Memorial (both locations shown). Kolkata is the home of Durga Puja and Navaratri  (celebration of the Divine Feminine as the Warrior Goddess). It's also the centre Heart chakra of the world - the chakra of your fearlessness. Here's the Rough Guide advice about planning a trip...
Sure-Footed - How To Strike A Balance When You're Being Pulled Left & Right In A Situation.
If only life was straight-forward. But it ain't. So here's another tool in your Sahaj toolbox to help you choose the best path when being pulled in different directions. This is called 'Guru-pada' in Sanskrit, which means being able to correctly guide yourself. It comes from a combination of your Mooladhara chakra (wisdom) and the Void in your stomach ('gut instinct'). Here's the short meditation to develop this...  
Mountain Top - First Solve Yourself 
According to Positive Psychology, being happy is closely linked to your sense of purpose and meaning from life. But you are you're own meaning. Work it.  Or, rather let your kundalini work it. She gives you the state of 'yoga' (connection/ union) by 'solving you'  and placing you on a 'mountain top' (Sahasrara chakra), from where you have a much better view. Here's the meaning... 
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Quote of the Week

“First of all, you must remember that you are seekers of truth, have been seeking truth for ages, for years together, and now, I would say, for many lives, and now you have found it. So grab it and hold it fast, by understanding that this is what you wanted; you’ve got it now."

June 4th 1995, Cabella Ligure  (Italy)

"I felt a very pleasant sensation above my head ( not on top of my head) yesterday, which lasted for most of the day as I went about my business. What was that?"
In Reply:

Your Sahasrara chakra on top of your head is a bit like base camp of the Himalayas.

There are chakras above your Sahasrara which your kundalini slowly tries to open.

Take the experience you had as a sign of progress towards what she wants to achieve in you.

You can help your self-development by regular use of this guided mantra meditation for above Sahasrara.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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