Monday 9 October 2023

Rough Diamond. The Road To Knowing Yourself Better.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Rough Diamond. The Road To Knowing Yourself Better.

Dear Friend,

If you own a diamond ( or even if you don't ), you may find it interesting how this small shiny rock travels from the ground to that sparkling token of love on your ring finger (maybe).

The earth's insides churn and shift over millions of years like some great process of digestion. She then coughs up closer to the surface diamond ore which can be mined.

The ore is crushed and the diamonds are picked out by hand. They are then sent to Antwerp in Belgium or some other diamond centre for cutting and polishing.

The diamond can then be set into a piece of jewellery - a ring, a bracelet, a necklace. And then it's bought and gifted (does anybody ever buy diamonds for themselves?)

But while musing on this information, you may not be aware that you yourself are a diamond in the rough.

You just have to know yourself better. Your brain and heart need to be better acquainted. It's your kundalini that does this. More below.

Also below: Poetry appreciation - Maya Angelou reciting 'Still I Rise'; and dissolving away the things that get you down.

Also below

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 10th Oct. - Indira Ekadashi (Getting more by doing with less); Fri. 13th - Shivaratri ( Grow by letting  go of the superficial);  Sun. 15th - Navaratri ( 10-days celebration of the Divine feminine begins in India ).

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If you want a reminder of how indomitable your human spirit is, then listen to Maya Angelou telling it in this 1-minute recital of, perhaps, her second most well-known piece of poetry after 'I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings'. When you apply this to your own situation, whatever it is, the message is to ascend. The only way is up... 
Keeping It Together - When A Smile Is Cover For  Troubles You're Going Through.
The lying smile. When you're unable to be fully present with your friends because of the stuff you've got going on, then 'Laya' (Sanskrit word meaning 'to dissolve') will help. You're dissolving all the things playing on your mind into that great ocean of Becoming ('Paramachaitanya') . Then things work out in a joyful way so that you can smile with your heart again. Here's a Laya meditation...
Rough Diamond - The Road To Knowing Yourself Better.
Running a marathon, like life, can ask many questions of you. But how well do you know yourself in order to be able to answer ? With your daily kundalini meditation the organ of knowing becomes your brain , heart and attention combined.  Then what you know is what you feel and how you act. To know yourself better is to know the world better . Here's how your 'rough diamond' is enlightened...
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Quote of the Week

“The relationship between your heart and your brain should be very deep. The moment it gets completely integrated [with daily kundalini meditation] your attention becomes completely 'Parameshwar swaroop' [one with the self-organising principal of Nature]"

[meaning: you easily get what you wish for.]

May 5th 1983, Mumbai (India)

"A business relationship has gone wrong with somebody and I feel I'm being taken advantage of. This upsets me (& my meditation). How can I deal with it?"
In Reply:

As with any matter involving human relationships, you can talk it through to reach an understanding and hopefully a resolution.

You can back it up with two methods involving the vibes.

One is a Bandhan . The second is a Shoebeat . Both involve a meditative state of mind.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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