Monday 16 October 2023

Wu Wei. How To Achieve More With Zero Effort.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Wu Wei. How To Achieve More With Zero Effort.

Dear Friend,

If you've been following the indications given on the lunar calendar (below) every week, then hopefully you might have noticed that there is something in it.

And it's  that it does correspond to how you may be feeling vibrationally on any particular day of the month.

Some days flow better than others.

It's like sailing a boat. If the wind is blowing in the direction you wish to travel, then it's plain sailing.

On the other hand, if the wind is unfavourable then it's a struggle; there's more work and effort involved.

Timing is everything.

But to learn to go with the flow better in a way that supports everything you wish to achieve, you do need to tune in better to the harmonising effect of your daily kundalini meditation with the natural rhythms of the day.

In Chinese Tao philosophy, being in tune in this way is described as 'Wu Wei'. Translated into English, this means 'None Doing ' or 'Effortless Action'. More below.

Also below:  Grab some free tickets to a Sitar concert; and, Where's your attention at? It can make a difference to how you're feeling.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 16th to Sun. 22nd Oct - Navaratri - Fierce Love (Days 2- Day 8 of 10-day celebration of Divine Feminine in India).

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One of the world's best Sitar players, Baluji Srivastav, has performed and recorded with artists such as Coldplay, Shakira and Massive Attack amongst others. Don't miss this opportunity to hear him live. If you're quick you may be able to get 2 free tickets and take a friend. According to Sahaja yoga, the sitar is the instrument for Sahasrara chakra , so you too may feel your hair stand...
'Sat-Chit-Ananda'  - Where's Your Attention?
It's been said that you are what you pay attention to. That becomes your Reality - your lived experience from moment to moment. But according to Yoga philosophy, ultimate Reality is 'Sat-Chit-Ananda' (Truth-Attention-Bliss). It is this Reality that your kundalini is trying to establish in you and en-masse. Here's a short guided meditation to help give you a taste of it...
Wu Wei - The Chinese Art of Doing Nothing.
As with most of Chinese martial arts, the pinnacle of mastery is when there is zero exertion or effort. The combat becomes a lovers' dance. To think is a distraction. It takes you away from the reality of the present moment and your ability to blend with it. When your kundalini takes you past your Agnya chakra (in forehead) then that is the state you get. Here is how 'Wu Wei' becomes the 'Akarma' of Yoga...
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Quote of the Week

“Why we have to have ‘Vichara Shaithilya’ (thoughtless awareness) – [it is] because when you project any thought, it is artificial, it is not Reality. Thought always stands between you and the Reality. When you put in an effort(think), you stand against 'Becoming' (innate peace and bliss within you)."

July 14th 1984, Leysin (Switzerland)

"I'm a manager in my workplace and although outwardly the people who work under me see me as confident and knowing what to do in every situation, inwardly this is not always true. I sometimes go through periods of self-doubt and have feelings of being a fake. The morning meditation is helping. What should I be focusing on to help with my self-confidence?"
In Reply:

It's hard to keep up a front and people may sense it after a while. Better to level with them and show a bit of vulnerability.

You may be surprised at how this actually improves your standing with them.

On the meditation front, you can use this short guided meditation for the heart chakra
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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