Monday 6 November 2023

Strange Reflection. Overcoming The Myth of Separate-ness.


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Strange Reflection. Overcoming The Myth of Separate-ness. 

Dear Friend,

There's a scene in a horror movie - I can't remember which one - where the lead character opens the bathroom medicine cabinet to take something out and when they close it, the reflection they see of themselves in the mirror is of somebody else.

There's a sudden wrench on the movie sound-track to cue the moment of shock.

It's a version of this same shock we get in our daily interaction with other people. But it's been numbed so much by the mind's acceptance of separate-ness that we don't feel it.

This experience of separate-ness gets stronger, the further removed from our own family, social and cultural background other people are.

But, it's all a myth, a trick of the mind. 

With your daily kundalini meditation and the progress of your 'self-realisation', the self you begin to identify with is the same 'self' reflected in other people, no matter their background. More below.

Also below: Another chance to register for free Yoga / Dance classes at the Indian High Commission's cultural centre; and, a meditative, start-of-day prep for your busy work day. 

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon.6th Nov. -  Navami (Be bold. You're protected); Wed. 8th - Ekadashi (Less is more); Fri. 10th - 1st Day of Diwali / Dhanteras (Buy Gold.); Sat/Sun 11th/12th - Naraka Chaturdashi (The real 'Halloween' - moonless night); Sun. 12th - Lakshmi Puja (Improvement to finances).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
There's a high demand and limited places available for these free yoga and Indian dance classes, so if you missed the summer sessions don't miss these. you need to register by November 10th. The classes are on weekends and begin on November 18th. Get fit, make new friends and immerse yourself in Indian culture...
Mind The Gap - 5-min Meditation For Your Commute To Work.
Whatever kind of commuter you are, whether you stare into space, are buried in a book or focused on your phone, there's still the shared feeling of being carried, like soldiers, into the battle-field of the work-day. The best way of handling it and coming out on top is with a strong heart (chakra) and a strong stomach (nabhi chakra). Here's a 5-min meditation so you can experience what that feels like...
Not The Six Degrees of Separation.
There's a theory that all that separates you from anyone picked at random from anywhere on the planet is six other people. The conclusion being that everyone is connected in some way. But the connection is deeper than that. When you're next meditating put your attention on anyone, anywhere. If you're sensitive enough, you may begin to feel their vibes on your hands, in the way you can feel your own vibes on your hands.  This is the 'collective awareness' of your spirit, described here...
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Quote of the Week

"The seat of your Spirit is here on the top of your head where the fontanel bone is. But it resides in your heart. This Spirit is the collective being (within you). And that’s what happens, that you become collectively conscious. That means on your central nervous system you start feeling others (as if they are ) yourself."

October 7th 1982, Bedford (England).

"Matthew Perry, the Friends star passed away recently at 54. I'm not sure I believe in reincarnation but it would be nice to think that his personality lives on somewhere. What did Shri Mataji say?"
In Reply:

This is perhaps not information you could win the horse races with but, according to Shri Mataji, reincarnation does exist.

She has described the kundalini as a 'tape recorder' of all your previous lives. That's why your kundalini knows everything about you and so knows what to fix in order to make you the best version of yourself.

About reincarnation, Shakespeare hints at it when he writes in The Tempest:

"We are such stuff as dreams are made on ; and our little life is rounded with a sleep."

('rounded' implies circular movement; and 'sleep' is a temporary activity).

The whole of Tibetan culture is based on reincarnation, so they must know a thing or two.

For definite, Matthew Perry's personality lives on. It's in the re-runs of episodes of Friends.
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Mind Rest.

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Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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