Monday 31 October 2022

Money Matters. Your Belly-Full Of Gold.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Money Matters. Your Belly-Full Of Gold.

Dear Friend,

If you're currently feeling the squeeze on your finances due to sky-rocketing inflation, then here's something that might offer you some relief.

In an ancient text on kundalini yoga - Shri Lalita Sahasranama (1000 names of the Goddess), the kundalini is described as 'purushartha prada'.

'Purushartha' means the four goals of human life, which are:
  • Dharma - finding and pursuing your unique purpose in life
  • Kama - enjoyment and pleasure
  • Artha - wealth sufficient to your needs
  • Moksha -  self-realisation / enlightenment / liberation 
'Prada'  means the one who gives you that. So through your daily meditation, you should notice how your 'Artha' is helped and improved.

In my own experience of this and listening to other people's experience, the 'Artha' usually starts as the gradual accumulation of small positive changes in personal circumstances, which you may not immediately link to your kundalini meditation.

And sometimes, things can suddenly happen in a big way on the money front. But this is where you have to be careful because this can lead to temptation and then the 'blessing becomes a binding'.

The source of all this potential abundance is your Nabhi Chakra - your stomach. More below.

Also below: putting oil in the belly button can soothe some ailments; and, listening to a mantra meditation to boost your energy.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue.1st Nov. - Durgashtami (set yourself a goal); Wed. 2nd -Navami (vibes strong; solutions possible); Fri 4th - Ekadashi (creative destruction/ out with the old & in with the new).

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Nabhi Chikitsa - Ayurvedic Oil-In-Belly-Button Therapy. 
According to Ayurveda, skin complexion, hair, reproductive health and digestive problems, amongst other things, can be improved by putting a few drops of certain oils in your belly button, regularly. This is because the role the umbilicus had of transporting blood and nutrients from mother to child in the womb makes it a major 'marma' (vital point).  Here's more about 'Nabhi Chikitsa'...  
Word Play - Energising Yourself With Mantras.
Its always about you. In a good way. The better the state of your chakras, the better you'll feel; the more energy you'll have and the more you'll notice the real effect that your meditation can have on every aspect of your day-to-day life. Your chakras (energy centres) can be improved with mantras  - power word play  in Sanskrit. Here's a short guided meditation  using mantras. Try it and notice the energising effect it has...
Lakshmi - Lady Luck & Your Belly-Full Of Gold. 
The celebration of Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, is a big part of the Diwali festival in India and the diaspora around the world. For many people, It's a time of luck and for getting rich by striking gold in some way. In yoga, Lakshmi is stationed on your Nabhi chakra, so you don't have to wait for Diwali - every day is Christmas, potentially; with your daily meditation. Here's what you need to know...
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Quote of the Week

 "When Yoga takes place, Kundalini rises up from triangular bone [sacrum/tail bone] and pierces through 'brahma randhra' [hole at Fontanelle/top of head].
[...]it receives Light/flame [Jyoti] of [your] Spirit and due to this light, 'Lakshmi Tatva' [essence of wellbeing] in [your] Nabhi chakra [belly] is awakened.

As soon as Lakshmi Tatva is awakened, you will see that from all sides you will get prosperity." 

March 9th 1979, New Delhi (India).

"I've got stomach/digestive problems - bloating and cramps etc. What might be the cause from a yoga point of view?"
In Reply:

Here's a relevant quote:

"Whatever we eat, we consume, the food in our stomach, its digestion is the activity managed by Shri Vishnu...That is all the ailments of our abdomen, the cure is Shri Vishnu. To imbibe Shri Vishnu in us means we have within us the charitable quality. ..Anybody who has stomach problems, go and donate something to someone. Anybody who has a bloated stomach will feel relief in it."  -Shri Mataji

To 'imbibe Shri Vishnu', you could try listening to the Shri Vishnu Sahasraranama for a week, while meditating on your Nabhi chakra. 

Also, try this Ayurvedic tea consisting of 3 types of seed, all of which are traditional remedies for abdominal bloating and also help with IBS.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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