Monday 3 October 2022

In Every Beat Of Your Heart. 'Fight or Flight' versus 'Rest & Digest'.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

In Every Beat Of Your Heart. 'Fight or Flight' versus 'Rest & Digest'.

Dear Friend,

Here's a little encouragement to get your heart rate down, which will do wonders for your overall health.

You can't directly control your heart rate. It's an automatic response that rises when you're in 'fight or flight' mode due to stress and anxiety. And falls when you're in 'rest & digest' mode ie. being chilled out and relaxed.

Heart rate is measured in 'beats per minute' (bpm) and the resting heart rate for the average adult is between 60-100bpm.

The lower your bpm, the more healthy you are because your heart has to do less work to pump the blood around your body.

You could get your heart rate down by training to be an elite athlete like Usain Bolt, whose resting heart rate has been recorded at 33bpm.

Or, you could maintain your daily practice of the meditation, which is the ultimate 'rest & digest' (see:Sahaja yoga and heart rate variability - Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy & Pharmacology).

Your heartbeat is also the audible expression of your life force - 'prana rupini shakti' ( feminine divine energy), which is visualised on the centre heart chakra as goddess Durga. More below.

Also below: putting power into your heart by listening to 3 minutes of African tribal drumming; and, when life feels like being trapped in a shopping program, how to break out of it.
Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.
October Lunar Calendar shown at end.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
3 Minutes of African Tribal Drumming To Energise Your Heart (Chakra). 
In Africa, when standing barefoot on the red earth as the drums are beating, the thumping seems to rise through the feet and join with the smaller thumping of the heart , to make a larger thumping that travels back to the feet and causes them to thump back a beat to the earth as dance. Sweat and dust. Here's a 3-minute sample to put power into your heart ...
Ascent - Breaking The Cycle of Futility.
Your 'wants', in general, are insatiable. We desire something; we act to achieve the object of that desire. There's then a temporary satisfaction and then the desire starts again. So around and around we go. This is the cycle of futility. With kundalini awakening, the desire and action can be harnessed to break the cycle of futility and open the middle path of ascent that leads to a permanent satisfaction. Here's a short guided mantra meditation to help you work your way to ultimate satisfaction... 
Your Intelligent Heart - 9 Nights of Durga.
All across India there's a 9-night('nava-ratri') celebration of the goddess Durga - see lunar calendar below. She is described as the Warrior Mother who holds different weapons in her multiple hands in order to protect the innocence in the world. In yoga, she is the energy of your centre heart chakra and awakens an intelligence in the heart, with meditation. This is how you 'think' with your heart...
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Quote of the Week

 "...when that awareness is illuminated, enlightened... then the power of the divine starts gushing through...continuously. The manifestation of that power is your heartbeat.

The event has to happen easily. Because this is such an important event – this is the final of stage [human] evolution. " 

February 23rd 1979, Amedhnagar (India).

"A family member of mine is sick and it's not easy for me to go and see them. Can I help them in some way through my meditation?"
In Reply:

Yes. What you do is this:

After your meditation when the vibes are strongest, first check to see which of their chakras they are 'catching' on -  by holding both palms open and paying attention to the person.

Whichever finger you feel tingling on  corresponds to the chakra that is blocked. You can use this Finger/Chakra chart as a guide.

Clear their chakra by rubbing your tingling finger.

You can also symbolically write the person's name down in your left palm and give them a 'bandhan' by slowly rotating your right hand over the left palm until you feel it go cool.

Repeat for few days until you notice an improvement in the person's vibes.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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