Monday 7 November 2022

Looking Sharp? The Power Of Your Inward Gaze.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Looking Sharp? The Power Of Your Inward Gaze.

Dear Friend,

Two tips for finding solutions to problems:

In a recent survey of London Underground passengers, one of the most annoying things reported, was being blocked from getting off at your stop by the rush of people on the platform trying to get on.

Tip 1: Don't let your anxious thoughts crowd you in when you're trying to find a way out of a problem or situation.

In physics, there is something known as 'the observer effect' , which is when just observing something can change it. This has led to speculation in quantum physics that consciousness can affect reality.

Tip 2:  Calm down, detach and observe (witness). Let the solution reveal itself.

The power to observe/witness is developed and sharpened on your Vishuddhi chakra with your daily kundalini meditation (inward gaze) . The crowd of thoughts are dispersed by your ability to pause your busy mind. More below.

Also below: pearls and diamonds - a reason to wear or carry certain gemstones; and, start you day right - how to develop your focus and creativity.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tues. 8th Nov - Full Moon ; Sat. 12th - Sankashti Chaturthi (Overcoming obstacles/difficulties).

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Mother Of Pearl - Wearing A Gemstone Can Heal You. 
Beware the Blue Sapphire. It's good for your Vishuddhi chakra. But only if it chooses you. In India, gemologists won't sell anyone this gem until the person has first slept with it under their pillow and not had a bad dream (Curse of Neelam). The best is probably pearl. It's for your Sahasrara chakra and so can be a universal panacea. Here's what gems to wear if you want to look after your heart, or stomach and where diamonds fit in... 
Brain Boost - The Benefits Of Having A Morning Routine.
What do you do when you roll out of bed in the morning? The quality of your whole day ahead can be significantly enhanced by making sure that your morning routine includes just two things, both of which boost your brain: having a proper sit-down breakfast, preferably rich in protein; and, 5-10 minutes of attention training to grow your brain muscles (National Library of Medicine: Sahaja Yoga & Neuroplasticity). Here's a workout to increase your focus and creativity...
Witness State - The Power Of Your Inward Gaze. 
Make the sun move. According to Sahaja yoga, the chakra that is responsible for your ability to feel other people on your hands as vibes, also connects you to the whole universe. So it's your Vishuddhi chakra that gives you 'Collective Consciousness'. It also gives you the 'witness state' - everything out there is in here. With that you might make the sun move or just solve an immediate problem.  More...
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Quote of the Week

 "That seeing, that witnessing state has a tremendous power. Whatever you see without thinking, your problems get solved." 

August 6th 1988, New  (India).

"Somebody mentioned the synchronicity they were getting with Sahaja yoga meditation. I too have been experiencing this. Could you give some examples of other people's experience?"
In Reply:

The two bizarre ones I heard about from a few people when I first started Sahaja yoga meditation relate to car parking spaces and traffic lights.

Those who mentioned it said they could always get a parking slot in places where parking was full, because there would always be another car pulling out to leave just as they arrived.

And with the traffic lights, all the sets of traffic lights on a long stretch of road would one by one turn green as they approached, so they never had to stop.

To me this didn't sound particularly cosmic or impressive and seemed well within the bounds of luck and chance; so nothing special. That's until I got a taste of it myself. 

Then when it starts happening with other things, you realise that it's a jacked-up version of 'being-in-the-right-place-at-the-right-time', played on repeat, as if to grab your attention.

See: How You're Helped By Miracles- 3 Real-Life Accounts.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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