Monday 17 October 2022

The Urge To Merge. Transforming Your Daily Experience of Everything.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

The Urge To Merge. Transforming Your Daily Experience of Everything.

Dear Friend,

There's a deep psychological scar we all suffer at birth. This is the separation from the mother when the umbilical cord is cut.

This original trauma shapes early infant development and feeds through into your adult self.
(see: How Mother-Child Separation Causes Neurobiological Vulnerability Into Adulthood, also Attachment Theory).

So if you ever wonder why you are they way you are and how your life has panned out the way it has, then it could be due to the long subconscious march to regain the lost pervasive psychological safety of the womb.

This is the 'Urge to Merge'. A merging with something bigger than ourselves but without feeling any loss of personal autonomy.

With kundalini awakening that urge is fulfilled because she acts like an 'umbilical cord' to connect you back to the benevolent 'womb' of Nature.

Then Mother Nature seems to guide you, protect you, support you and supply you. Your daily experience of everything becomes quite different. More below.

Also below: a cat & dog video for you to laugh at and lift your spirit; plus, a short guided meditation for recharging your emotional batteries.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tues. 18th Oct - Navami (deep meditation/ strong vibes.). Friday 21st - Ekadashi (creative destruction - throw out things you don't want); Sat. 22nd - 1st day of Diwali /Festival of Lights - buy silverware for kitchen.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Laughter Is The Best Medicine - Some Viral Video Humour For You To Enjoy. 
I've just been laughing my way through a selection of TikTok and YouTube compilation videos, so that I could find something funny to send you. Some of the compilations are very funny but did include the weird or the simply gross, so I've discarded those. Instead I'm sending you this Cat & Dog funny compilation which has 12 million views. Laughter is the best medicine... 
Restoring Power When Work Sucks Away All Your Emotional Energy.
If work is consuming all your focus and attention then you may find that you've got very little energy left for any kind of emotional engagement. And work won't love you back. Take a moment to restore your power with this short guided meditation which nurtures the chakras on your left channel - the channel of your emotional energy...
The Urge To Merge - 'You Achieve All Your Potential Powers.'
This photo may or may not be a trick of the light  (see: 9 documented accounts of 'impossible' occurrences involving Shri Mataji ) , but it's what the camera 'saw'. The best way to look at it is that it's a symbol of the flow of the 'river' of your kundalini through the top of your head back into the 'ocean' of the all-pervading energy of Nature, so that the two are merged. Then you acquire some of the force of Nature that Shri Mataji had. Listen to this...
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Quote of the Week

 "You become that. This is 'Advaita' ('non-duality')  - where you become one. . With the whole Ocean [Truth & Reality] you become one. [When] a drop [of water] becomes [merges into] the ocean, all the powers of the oceans are there for the drop. That’s what it is. " 

July 21st 1980, Caxton Hall, London (England).

"I've been meditating by myself regularly but feel that I've hit a plateau and I'm not making much progress. Any suggestions?"
In Reply:

I'll tell you my own experience.

When I first discovered Sahaja yoga I had been practising my own meditation which was a mish-mash of what I'd read here and there.

In the beginning two things happened that convinced me that Sahaja yoga meditation had an independent power beyond what I did or did not believe.

The first thing that happened was that I began to feel my chakras as sensations in specific locations in my body. Before that the idea of chakras was just a mental concept.

The second thing that happened was the experience of a real inner silence even though my apartment at the time was next to a very loud and noisy construction site.

These experiences were astounding to me but I was still attached to my 'own' meditation, so tried to incorporate Sahaja yoga into it.

I had stopped going to the group meditation sessions and after a couple of months of doing my own thing with a little Sahaja yoga thrown in, the initial powerful experiences with Sahaja yoga seemed to be fading away.

One day out of curiosity I went to see whether the Sahaja yoga sessions were still running. They were, so I went and sat in on one again. 

This time round I realised that Sahaja yoga meditation is a group dynamic and to sustain your practise and progress, you need to be meditating regularly with others.

I also realised the power of keeping a meditation photo at home and using it with a candle.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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