Monday, 26 September 2022

Over The Moon! Getting Your Timing Right & Understanding Your Moods.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Over The Moon! Getting Your Timing Right & Understanding Your Moods.

Dear Friend,

If you're forming a romantic attachment with somebody; or you're investing in gold or buying property, then plan the significant beginning to any of these events to take place on the day called 'akshaya tritiya'.

Why? Because undertaking something on  'akshaya tritiya', which means 'the indestructible 3rd day of the moon', guarantees it's success ie, makes it literally indestructible.

This is according to Indian cultural traditions which are based on the lunar calendar.

Akshaya tritiya occurs on just one day of the year however, there are other significant days sprinkled throughout every lunar month that you can use to achieve other kinds of success.

For example, 'sankashti chaturthi' which occurs on the 4th day of the waning moon every month is good for overcoming problems -'sankashti' means 'freedom/liberation from difficulty'. 

The 7th, 9th and 11th days of the lunar calendar are also important. To help you plot your successes and achievements, the monthly lunar calendar will now be included every week at the bottom of this newsletter, for your regular and ongoing reference to.

With kundalini awakening and the resulting harmonisation with the rhythms of Mother Nature, the lunar calendar becomes part of your lived experience at the level of vibes and meditation. This is how you understand your moods better and understand yourself. More below.

Also below: How to make an ayurvedic health drink; and, a guided meditation to build up your health and longevity with the 'nectar' of your daily meditation. 

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Making The Ultimate Ayurvedic Health Drink (Panchamrut) - 3 min . 
In India 'panchamrut' is associated with 'puja' (an offering to Divinity) and consists of milk, yogurt, ghee, honey and sugar.  However, according to Ayurvedic medicine it also has a number of health-giving benefits,  including improving emotional and mental health, strengthening immunity, and helping the hair and skin complexion. Here's how to put the ingredients together...
'Amritapa' - How To Drink The Nectar Of Your Meditation .
When your kundalini rises and pierces the fontanelle at the crown of your head, the vibes begin to flow down and the sensation sometimes felt is like in this photo: honey trickling down the face. According to an ancient, esoteric yoga text, Shri Lalilta Sahasranama, it is this reflex or process of 'Amritapa' (drinking nectar) that is predicted to lead to human beings no longer getting sick or growing old (Philosopher's Stone). Here's a short guided meditation to give you a head start...  
Moon Lore -Getting Your Timing Right.
When you're sitting in meditation you may notice the vibes feel strongest on the 7th and 9th days of the lunar fortnight . Make use of this by putting your meditative attention to anything bothering you or to any area of your life you'd like to see a shift in. Then give it a bandhan . And see what happens.
The 7th and 9th lunar days are shown on this calendar...
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Quote of the Week

 "The biggest effect that the moon has on [you] is because [your] left side [subconscious / psyche/ emotional life] is based on it. Very few people know[...]
"Now we live in these modern times, where the dates and festivals are based on the position of the sun. But this is not correct. We must see the position of the moon- what is its position today, what will it be tomorrow, how it will affect us today. This is a very deep subject... " 

April 13th 2002, Gurgaon (India).

"Should I use cold or warm water for the foot spa treatment?"
In Reply:

For the footsoak, the water should be as cool as you can bear it in order for it to cool your right side.

The water element helps clear your nabhi chakra. The salt in the water represents the earth element and helps clear your mooladhara. And the fire element (candle) clears your swadisthana chakra.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.

Click to Expand and See Key to Lunar Calendar.

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