Monday 28 March 2022

What You Need To Know About Vibes - Love & The Theory Of Everything.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

What You Need To Know About Vibes - Love & The Theory Of Everything.

Dear Friend,

From the experience of many, many people, typically what happens when you've established your daily meditation practice is that , you get the feeling that you've finally discovered what you were looking for; your health improves, your work life and money matters improve, your relationships improve and you get a real sense that you're being looked after and guided by an unseen force.

You could call it a force of universal benevolence or the all-pervading vital force of existence. Bodily, you experience it as the vibes you feel on your hands and at the top of your head when your kundalini comes up.

In Sanskrit, it's called as 'Spanda' meaning 'throb' or 'pulsation' , the same as 'unstruck sound' or 'Anahata', which is the Sanskrit name given to the heart because the heart beat is a throb or pulsation. So, ultimately, vibes are nothing but the all-pervading power of divine love, according to the philosophy of yoga.

It is this unified force of love that physicists are currently trying to find an equation for and which they call A Theory of Everything. When electricity was discovered, the world changed. When vibes become the basis of science then technology will work in harmony with Nature, not against it.

Pay attention to the vibes; they can tell you a lot. More about this below.

Also below : giving yourself some music therapy ; and how to get lucky in 8 different ways.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Music Therapy - The Magic Of Indian Classical Raags. 
Your body is like an untuned musical instrument, which you can bring in tune - and so improve your wellbeing - by listening to the right harmonising music. Through centuries of development, the Indian 'Raag' (musical composition) system of music has been discovered to be ideal for just this purpose. In the following raag (audio only), Kishori Amonkar, one of  India's most celebrated classical vocalists demonstrates the power of a single note to open the heart and sahasrara chakras...
How To Be Lucky In 8 Different Ways - A Guided Meditation For Your Nabhi Chakra.
According to Indian spirituality, 'Lady Luck' (Shri Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth) can take 8 different forms  - material prosperity is just one of them. She also manifests as good health , strength and resilience, good family life, beauty of surroundings, power in the form of self-respect and dignity. Here's a 9-minute guided meditation with mantras to invoke your inner Lakshmi on your nabhi chakra...
Universe Within - What Are The Vibes You Feel On Your Hands?
When staring out at the night sky adorned with distance stars and galaxies, in a certain way, you're staring out at yourself  because our human composition is 'star dust' and we're created from the same source. This source persists as the vibes you feel on your hands when you meditate and this is how you learn to interpret them...
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Quote of the Week

 ".The first thing, in Sahaja Yoga, is that you get the experience of feeling the spanda [vibes], the cool breeze, on your finger tips. Without the experience you should not believe anything.
That means a new dimension has come now, in your nerves...The knowledge about yourself was so poor. But after Realisation [kundalini awakening] suddenly the whole thing got enlightened." 

May 7th 2000, Cabella Ligure (Italy).

"When I meditate I do feel the wind sensation on my hands but I'm not always able to get my mind to be quiet. Will this come gradually?"
In Reply:

Someone once compared the meditation to surfing. When you catch a good wave (thoughtless awareness), ride it as far as you can. The more experience you get, the longer you can ride that wave.

When you have a busy mind and it's difficult to go silent, try the ice pack on the liver treatment.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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