Tuesday 15 March 2022

Why Your Past Is Important - Tracing A Historical Lineage.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Why Your Past Is Important - Tracing A Historical Lineage.

Dear Friend,

We're each the product of our ancestors. And the popular interest in a docu-series like Who Do You think You Are? , or websites like AncestryDNA.com  is all down to the feeling that if you know your family background better, you'll have more understanding about yourself.

This is also true about tracing the history of  knowledge of the kundalini.

It's roots are in the ancient superhumans tradition of the Siddhars in South India. It's next reappearance was with a secretive 11th or 12th century sect of Hatha yoga masters in India called the Nath Panths.

The Nath Panths travelled widely and at some point the knowledge reached medieval Europe, and, still shrouded in secrecy, provided the basis for the practice of Alchemy - the 'turning of base metal into gold' and the search for the 'Philosophers Stone'.

A 17th century alchemist by the name of Robert Boyle, went on to become the 'father of chemistry' and is said to have invented the pursuit of knowledge through observation and analysis which is the foundation of modern science.

Modern textbooks on human anatomy, name the bone at the base of the spine as the 'sacrum' (sacred) and the bone at the top of the head as the fontanel (little fountain). The next time you see an ambulance speed by, check out the universal medical symbol (Rod of Asclepius) on it's side: it's of snake(kundalini) coiling up a staff (central channel).

A knowledge that was secret is now hidden in plain sight. the last leg of the journey to Sahaja yoga is described below.

Also below: a visit to the museum without leaving your sofa; and, harnessing the power of your attention.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Amazing Virtual Tour Of The Natural History Museum. 
What do you get when you marry Google's StreetView with one of the best museums in the world? You get this extraordinary personal tour through the museums collections of many rare objects that includes some moon rock and Charles Darwin's pigeons (stuffed, of course). You can zip down the corridors and onto different floors to see what you want to see in 5 minutes or you can take a more leisurely and meditative stroll, lingering  on the things you find particularly interesting...
Attention Deficit - A Guided Meditation For Restoring The Lost Power Of Your Attention.
Our attention span is getting shorter and shorter apparently - Microsoft says we're down to 8 seconds. That's why any form of mindfulness practice can be beneficial, because it's a way of training your attention, which is mental health positive.  Sahaja Yoga meditation turns the dial up on this to level 10, because your kundalini restores the power of action to your attention; first on your chakras like this..
Tree Of Life - The Roots Of Sahaja Yoga.
Plastic flowers (anything artificial) can be produced in no time, Shri Mataji once remarked, but real ones require the slow, deep working of Nature.  And this is what Sahaja yoga is. It's the culmination of the working out of a long process, over a long period of time, which is another way to describe human evolution. In this short 5 minute clip , Shri Mataji explains how the solitary, individual achievement of the purpose of human life by ancient yogis is now a modern en masse pursuit...
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Quote of the Week

 "The power that is flowing from [your] inner Self. The vibrations that are flowing from us is 'Ishwari Shakti'... It is omnipresent. Whether that thing is dead or active or alive, everything has vibrations. Means, this power exists in molecules, atoms... In the human being, this power stays in [their] heart. And it pulsates. A life that pulsates in the heart of human being, is the same Power. So, you can call it ‘the Power of Life’ and this power is the source of life in the world."  (translated from hindi)

March 3rd 1975, Mumbai (India).

"When I meditate I can feel the vibrations on my left hand but not on my right hand. What does that mean?"
In Reply:

It's nothing to be concerned about. The right-side is the side of action or your 'doing' side, so if you're not feeling vibes on the right hand, it's an opportunity to improve your power of accomplishing things.

When you're next sitting in meditation, use your right hand to draw vibes from your left hand, over your head, and bring it down to the right side. Repeat until you can begin to feel the vibes on your right hand and right side. This is how you balance the vibes on your left and right sides.

When your vibes are flowing nicely, then you'll notice how everything you're doing starts to flow as well. Things get done.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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