Tuesday 1 March 2022

What To Aim For - The Ambition You Never Knew You Had.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

What To Aim For - The Ambition You Never Knew You Had.

Dear Friend,

According to ancient Indian philosophy, you have 4 ambitions in life; 3 of which you may vaguely relate to and a 4th ambition you never knew you had. 

The first 3 ambitions are : DharmaArtha and Kama, which - loosely translated - are, respectively: finding what you're uniquely good at and excelling at it; being able to pay off your mortgage; and, the fulfilment of your desires.

The 4th ambition is Moksha, which means 'liberation' , or, more appropriately, 'Jivan Mukti' which means 'liberated while living' or living in a state of Zen.

The path to Jivan Mukti is the path of the kundalini and the reason it's desirable is because the first 3 ambitions are automatically built into it. So, you get 3 for the price of 1.

The hint for speeding things up a bit on your path of ascent of kundalini is given below.

Also below: a new use for your family photo album; and an antidote to (over) work.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
The Next Time You're Flicking Through The Family Photo Album, Check The Vibes. 
It's easy enough to enjoy photos of your loved ones but what about their vibes? As you become better tuned into the vibes of people, places and things with your daily meditation, you can be alert to the health and wellbeing of your family members just on the vibes of a photo of them. Hold your palms open towards their photo , note the sensation on your hands and compare it to these charts.... 
The Antidote To Work - A Guided Meditation.
Your subtle body has 3 main channels: central channel through which your kundalini rises; right channel which caters for your mental and physical activity; and left channel which caters for your emotional life. When work dominates, your right channel may get run down leading to borrowing from your left channel and leaving you with very little energy for emotional engagement. Here's how to restore yourself...
The Path Of Your Ascent - The Need To Grow.
The path of ascent is like an upside down tree ( Tree of Life) with the branches spreading downwards and the roots in the brain (CNS), which are nourished by the kundalini with your daily meditation. It's an organic process. You can't force it but you do need to attend to it. Here's Shri Mataji explaining briefly, the need to grow.
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Quote of the Week

 " It [Sahaja Yoga] works in you in no time effortlessly, but after realization ...it is necessary to understand the complete working of the Kundalini and of the vibrations. You must know the complete science. Otherwise, what is the use of getting money which you do not know how to spend or use?"  

March 22nd 1977, Mumbai (India).

"With mindfulness practice, being mindful in every activity is recommended as a way of keeping yourself in the present. How can I make use of Sahaja yoga in a similar way?"
In Reply:

In the morning meditate. When leaving the house, raise your kundalini.  On the commute, attention at sahasrara chakra. Meeting to attend; give it a bandhan. Lunch bought from Prets ( or anywhere else), vibrate it. Asked a difficult question; go thoughtless. Frazzled from a day at work; footsoak. At bedtime; meditate.

A honed attention from daily meditation and making use of the vibes will take you far. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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