Tuesday 5 April 2022

How To Expand Your Awareness - Breaking Out Of Limiting Beliefs.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

How To Expand Your Awareness - Breaking Out Of Limiting Beliefs.

Dear Friend,

In the early part of my varied career, long before I encountered Sahaja yoga and wised-up, I entertained the foolish notion of getting rich quick, so high-tailed it to the City where I got a job as an 'account executive' in a small financial futures and options trading company.

It was a gruelling routine with early morning starts, where we'd all be crammed into a small room to listen to the company economist summarise the state of the currency and commodity markets, and lay out the rationale for what we'd be pitching to clients that day. Then we'd disperse and hit the phones.

The days were long and standing on your feet making phone call after unproductive phone call was no fun, and I quickly realised that I wasn't enjoying this. I stuck with it anyway, because of my limiting and false belief that this was the path to 'success'.

The breaking point came when a client I had introduced to the firm lost a lot of money due to a senior account executive unethically putting the clients money through a series of unprofitable trades just to generate for themselves the commission payments on each trade ('churn them & burn them') .

One afternoon I left the office to go and buy lunch and had an epiphany. I went straight home and never returned. There's more to life than money. That was the moment I broke out of a limiting belief and my awareness(ethical) was expanded.

Whenever you're in a situation or circumstances, as a result of your own choices, which you're not happy about, pause for a moment and examine whether those choices don't come from some limiting belief you may hold . We sometimes run our life on a borrowed script which has nothing to do with our uniqueness as individuals.

And your kundalini , like shattering a series of glass ceilings (Brahma-Vishnu-Rudra Granthi Vibhedini), steadily breaks your limiting beliefs and expands your awareness, of which more below.

Also below: what getting rid of stuff you don't use does for your soul; and your enhanced power of problem-solving.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
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Marie Kondo is the Japanese bestselling author of a book about the joys of tidying up, which has now been turned into this Netflix series. If things aren't shifting in your life as quickly as you want from daily meditation, the culprit could be the state of your living space. Do you have a lot of old stuff just sitting in corners ? Stagnant energy. Get rid of it . And then get these other tips to help you with your spring cleaning therapy...
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Expanded Awareness - How Kundalini Leads To Gradual Enlightenment.
A box over the head may not be too much of an exaggeration of how the two mental structures of ego and super-ego, cocoons us in an understanding of life (limiting beliefs) that diverges from Reality. The definition of enlightenment is getting your head out of the box. And it's your kundalini that does it. Gradually , like this...  
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Quote of the Week

 "Because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your family, of your country, and the whole world. What I am going to tell you is about the higher state of consciousness that you have to achieve through your evolution. " 

September 24th 1996, Los Angeles (USA).

"Yesterday, I had a weird experience of the sensation of a large flower growing out of the top of my head when I closed my eyes to meditate. It's the first time I've felt that. Is it normal? "
In Reply:

The imagery of a flower coming out of the top of the head is a common one that people have used to describe their experience.

Other imagery used include:
  • the top of the head being opened like a lid
  • honey trickling from the top of head down the face
  • tongues of silent flames on top of the head
Here is somebody asking Shri Mataji directly about their experience  and her response.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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