Tuesday 22 March 2022

3 Zen Hacks - Your Power Of Watching Without Reacting.


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3 Zen Hacks  - Your Power Of Watching Without Reacting.

Dear Friend,

You have a silent untapped power of zen which can give you 3 things: Equanimity, Enjoyment and Effect, when you want it to.

Here's how they usually play out.

There's an approaching danger on the horizon - big or small. It could be an important work deadline that you know you won't be able to meet. It could be to do with facing the consequences of something that happened earlier in your personal life. You could stress out about this. Don't. Watch without reacting: Equanimity.

Ownership of anything is no guarantee of satisfaction. It could carry a burden that cancels out the up side. Look but don't touch. Watch without reacting: Enjoyment.

When facing a challenge without an obvious solution or when stuck between a rock and a hard place, stop looking for a way out. Watch without reacting: Effect.

In all 3 scenarios, your state of zen is the magic ingredient that makes things work out. And zen means cultivating a mind like a lake without ripples or being able to watch without reacting, a trick described below.

Also below: cinnamon, honey and blueberries on pancake, anyone? And, enjoying the fruit of knowledge; on your chakras.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
5 Benefits You Get From Eating A Little Cinnamon Everyday. 
Cinnamon cakes, cinnamon tea,some cinnamon sprinkled over your morning porridge, or one of these appealing recipes from the BBC Good Food site. This bark of a tree originating in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) is said to be good for a range of conditions and is a staple spice recommended in Ayurveda. Listed here are 5 of it's benefits, including it's ability to improve digestive health.
Fruit Of Knowledge - A Meditation For Enjoying The Benefits Of Your Chakras.
Your Kundalini is quick. Ask her for something in meditation and she immediately gives it to you. Because she can and she knows how. But she only understands vibrations and chakras, and so you have to ask on your chakras. And your chakras are worlds and universes in themselves. Here's a simple guided meditation to help you begin to enjoy the fruits of your chakras. 
Your Power Of Watching Without Reacting (Chitta Vritti Nirodha).
According to the original source book of yoga, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the definition of yoga is 'chitta vritti nirodha'. 'Chitta' means the mind/attention ; 'vritti' means flactuations; and 'nirodha' means arresting or stopping. So yoga, ultimately, means watching without reacting and the trick of being able to do that lies with your kundalini. Here's how she does it...
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Quote of the Week

 "... it’s[Love/Vibrations] power is working in each molecule and in each pulsation of the human heart. Love is one Shakti (power) which does all work in planning, creation of the entire universe....All the problems of the world can only be solved with Sahaja Yoga. Even when I say this, these people get annoyed"  (translated from hindi)

March 27th 1974, Mumbai (India).

"Can you recommend anything for skin problems?"
In Reply:

Internally, regularly drink vibrated water - which helps to clean stomach and liver, both of which influence skin health.

Externally, apply some Kailash Jeevan ( multi-purpose ayurvedic cream available on Amazon) directly onto the affected parts of the skin. Best used before bedtime and left over-night.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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