Tuesday 22 February 2022

Getting By Better By Feeling Better - Your States Of Awareness.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Getting By Better By Feeling Better - Your States Of Awareness.

Dear Friend,

Consciousness is finer, more subtle, than matter but in every direction matter seems to dominate; from how you feel bodily to the perceived limitation of your circumstances.

Matter is congealed consciousness ('Jada Shakti' - the thing that imprisons us can also set us free).

Your daily kundalini meditation is a journey to give back to your consciousness (state of awareness) the upper-hand over the limitations of circumstance.

And in that journey it's like a door opening wider and wider to let the light in. So that you feel better and better and everything seems to flow better.

The first two states of awareness are described below.

Also below: divinity in dance and clearing your void. 

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Yoga Through Dance -Bharatanatyam. 
Bharatanatyam is one of India's oldest classical dance forms. It is made up of a combination of codified movements of the legs, arms, hands  and facial expression in a mime set to music, to tell a story usually depicting the gods and goddesses in the Hindu Pantheon. The best dancers seem to be able to transform themselves into the divinity they're portraying as in this case... 
'Ocean Of Illusion' - Clearing Your Void.
The region surrounding your Nabhi Chakra (navel) is called the 'Void' or 'Bhavasagara' ('Ocean of illusion'). If the world and everything that is going on in it is represented by the void, then it's like an ocean in which everyone is floundering in as if drowning. When the void is enlightened through your daily meditation, then it becomes a strong boat with which to sail through life's ups and downs. Here's a meditation for your void...
States Of Awareness - Pillar Of Light.
The 'Pillar of Light' is your kundalini. When She rises, the first state of awareness She tries to establish within you is 'thoughtless' awareness. The second state She tries to establish is 'doubtless' awareness. When She does this then meditation is no longer something you do but a state you can be in at any time. Then when you're walking, talking, laughing, running you're connected . Here's how She does it...
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Quote of the Week

" Truth is an experience of the central nervous system. For example if this is cold I can feel it, it is cold. Even if a child touches this, it can feel it, it is cold. If it is hot we can feel it on central nervous system, that it is hot. In the same way the truth is to be known on central nervous system, not through mental projections." 

May 29th 1985, Public Program, San Diego (United States).

"Sometimes I may be sitting on the sofa watching TV or listening to music and suddenly I'll feel my kundalini come up. I thought that it only comes up when you're meditating?"
In Reply:

Chances are that what you were watching or listening to had some spiritual truth to it and your kundalini was responding to that.

Truth is beauty and beauty is truth, according to vedic philosophy. The most beautiful things are in Nature and when an artist, working in whatever medium - audio, visual etc. captures some of that, then their creation has vibes, which the kundalini dances to.

When I first got my kundalini awakening I always looked out of place at Indian classical dance and music concerts and Urdu poetry reading evenings. The cultural divide was bridged for me by my dancing kundalini.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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