Tuesday 2 November 2021

Why You'll Want This Free Upgrade - COP26 & Self-Empowerment.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

 Why You'll Want This Free Upgrade.

Dear Friend,

At the back of one of your drawers, you'll probably find one of your old mobile phones. When you compare it to the phone you have now, there's a big difference. Your latest phone has a faster processor, more storage, bigger screen and better camera.

Most phone upgrades are not free but if you were offered a genuinely free upgrade, why would you not take it?

Mother Nature appears to be working on her own 'free upgrade' (evolution) in silent earnest to guarantee a survival of the species . The last time, it was 'upgrading' Neanderthals (one of the earlier versions of humans) to Homo Sapiens (modern humans) about 40,000 years ago .

According to Paleontology, there may have been a combination of reasons for Neanderthals becoming extinct, including: " Pathogens(disease/illness), Natural Catastrophes and Climate Change" (see: Why Did Neanderthals Disappear?)

On the matter of Climate Change, the UN Climate Conference, COP26 , is being hosted from today, 31st October, in Glasgow, Scotland. Hopefully, some substantial commitments to emissions reductions which each country will follow through on, will come out of this. The track record is not encouraging however:  we're already off track for a 45% reduction in emissions to keep increase in global warming to 1.5c by 2030. Instead emissions are headed towards a 16% increase (NewScientist).

This situation Shri Mataji predicted in July 1995 (Ecology Forum, University of Bulgaria), when, regarding attempts to tackle climate change, she said this : " But means that are adopted are not sufficient enough to stop our deterioration."  

All the more reason then why everybody and their auntie, should be focusing on their free upgrade right now. More below.

Also below: what the woman who was the driving force behind the Paris Climate Agreement has to say and why some things are better achieved facing east.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
The Future We Choose - Book Recommendation.
Christiana Figueres is the Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and Tom Rivett-Carnac is a political lobbyist for the UNFCCC and also spent two years as a buddhist monk. Interestingly, the role of meditation is cited in their book and CF talks about mindfulness and climate here. She is interviewed about the role of women in Climate Change here.
Facing East - A Guided Meditation For Peace & Problem-solving.
The best direction to face when meditating according to Indian philosophy is east. The reason for this seems to be due to the fact that the sun rises from the east and the sun is the harbinger of all good things. Also in 'Vastu Shastra' - spirituality in the principles of architecture-  it's said that the different directions on a compass support different goals. Face east and listen to this guided meditation...
Kundalini & Climate Change Reversal - What You Should Know.
Not all problems can be solved by politicians or leaders of any kind : the top-down approach. Sometimes, what's needed is the bottom-up approach at a grassroots level that makes everyone feel empowered and personally responsible. The COP26 Climate Conference is a top-down. This photo shows the beginnings of a bottom-up which anyone is free to participate in. Here's why it's important... 
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Quote of the Week

"I bow to all the seekers of Truth.[...]There is... a consciousness and awareness that so far whatever development [material advancement] we have... there is something wrong and we have to find out another way of understanding life. " 

March 3rd 1985, Public Program - Adelaide (Australia).

" When I can feel the vibes in  my morning meditation, I know the day is going to go well, but lately I've been feeling the vibes less strongly. What's the reason for that and how do I get the same vibes back?
In Reply:

Try a salt-water footspa before bedtime to clear yourself of any 'negative vibes' you may have absorbed during the day- from people, places and things. You'll sleep better and be better refreshed in the morning which can make a difference to the vibes you get in  your meditation.

Also, remember to make use of the vibes you feel on your hands through the meditation by use of a 'bandhan' . You'll notice how it can really solve any problems or issues you may be facing.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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