Wednesday 24 November 2021

How To Tap Into Your Inner Joy - Nirvana In Small Doses.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

How To Tap Into Your Inner Joy.

Dear Friend,

Although it may not be apparent to you; the truth is that you're built for bliss or joy. All that other stuff that you deal with on a daily basis is merely flotsam or debris bobbing up and down on the ocean of reality. 

This is according to ancient yoga philosophy, which describes reality as 'sat-chit-ananda' meaning 'truth-awareness-bliss'.

The reason we don't generally experience reality like this, is because of two mental filters that everyone has : ego and conditionings , which are formed by the aspirations we have and the way we've been brought up.

It's the ego and conditionings that stand like twin security guards at the gates to reality, and they don't let you in. The kundalini is your free pass.

When the gates to the garden of reality open for the first time ('nirvichara samadhi'), it opens for a few seconds and then you're hauled out again by the two security guards.

But if you keep going there ('abhyasa'), the two security guards develop a respect for you and hold the gates open when they see you coming.

This is how to claim your kingdom. More below about how the Buddha got his nirvana.

Also below: £149 per month for a 'miracle pill'?! Free is good. And, a guided meditation to restore your self-worth after a day in the office with a bad boss.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Why You Don't Need This Health & Beauty Pill.
When your kundalini rises and opens out your sahasrara chakra - the so-called 'thousand- petalled lotus' at the crown of your head, the vibes start flowing down and nourishing all your chakras . In addition to improving how you feel mentally, emotionally and physically, it has a positive, transformative effect on even your appearance. Which is probably why you don't need this much-touted 'miracle pill' at £149/month...
Curing Yourself Of A Bad Boss - A Guided Meditation.
Being micro-managed at work is not good for the soul. Research has shown that if you work for a company that allows you more autonomy in makng decisions involving your work, you're more likely to have greater job satisfaction and sense of engagement. If, on the other hand, you're being stressed out by a micro-managing boss, use this guided meditation to regain your sense of control ...
Your Journey To Nirvana - How The Buddha Got His.
You're a buddha in potential . But what use would it be seating under a tree all day, in nirvana? That's not the purpose. The purpose is to conquer the existential angst which is the source of our daily worries, disappointments, problems, and conflicts which when projected into the world by everybody gives us the state of the world we all inhabit today. Change the world by changing yourself. Buddha not buddhism...
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Quote of the Week

" The most important thing is, if we want to know ourselves, then first of all we should get connected to the all-pervading power of God’s Love. We should unite with the vibrations around us. And for this union, kundalini is the only way. There is no other way. Whatever anyone says, there definitely is no other way."

March 26th 2001, Public Program, New Delhi (India).

" I work in a large architectural practice. After my morning meditation at home I feel nice and clear. But by mid-afternoon at work I feel a block on the chakra in my forehead, sometimes accompanied by a dull throb or headache. Am I attending too many meetings? What is a good preventive remedy?
In Reply:

For recurring headaches, probably best to initially speak to your GP or opticians if you wear glasses.

Having said that, it is true that certain occupations are particularly prone to 'catches'(blocks) on particular chakras. For architecture (and also law) it's the agnya chakra in the forehead that you mentioned; for sales jobs involving a lot of speaking on the phone, it's usually the vishuddhi chakra in the throat.

Try lightly massaging a little diluted sandalwood oil on the centre of your forehead after your meditation in the morning, and see whether this keeps your agnya chakra clear for the rest of the day. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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