Wednesday 27 October 2021

Fire Power - What Watching Flames Can Do For You.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Cleansing Yourself By Watching Flames - A One Minute Test.

Dear Friend,

The better you look after yourself through daily meditative practice; the better you'll feel in every way and the more effortless the flow in every aspect of your day-to-day life.

A big part of 'looking after yourself' means paying attention to your vibes and chakras, because as your sensitivity improves, how you feel on your chakras and the vibes will give you an early warning of something not quite right . This then allows you to quickly remedy a situation or avoid a situation that may turn out to be problematic.

Your sensitivity is improved by making use of the cleansing power of the water and fire elements.

You're already using the cleansing power of water when you use a salt-water footspa. The use of the candle with your meditation supplies the cleansing power of fire - but to a small degree.

In Sahaja yoga, the full cleansing power of fire is utilised with a 'havan' which is a simplified version of a 'Sacred Fire' practice carried out for thousands of years in both Indian and Persian cultures.

Just to see for yourself how powerful the cleansing effect of fire can be, watch the havan flames burn for 1 minute, below.

Also below, past experiences could limit personal growth, so clear your back agnya; and the power of your daily meditation to act for you. 

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Don't Let Your Past Weigh You Down - Clear Your Back Agnya.
According to Sahaja Yoga, our emotional past is represented on 'ida nadi' /left channel  (left sympathetic nervous system). The ida nadi begins from the mooladhara chakra at the base of the spine and terminates in  the  back agnya chakra (occipital bone). So to relieve yourself of the weight of your past, it's sufficient to clear your back agnya chakra this this...
Running Into Light - Using Your Power Of Kundalini To Get Ahead.
To prove to yourself that your daily kundalini meditation is giving you an ability you never had before , make use of the vibes and your meditative attention to solve daily challenges. When you begin to get experiences of how issues seem to resolve themselves, this will give you the confidence in yourself which then develops and deepens your practice. Use this guided meditation...
The Fire 'Cleanse' - Watch This Fire Burn For 1 Minute & See How You Feel.
Some ailments are accompanied by a fever, which is the body's mechanism of raising the heat (temperature) to drive out the bad (infection). People can suffer from all kinds of 'infections' which are not physical and of which they may not be aware. Raising the heat can drive out the bad. And because these 'infections' are of the psyche, merely watching a 'sacred fire' on video can work.
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Quote of the Week

"...these vibrations are nothing but [...] Love ...and like that you will be able to change this world, this society which has to get all its transformation into a newer society in which you will have no race, no religion – so-called religions ‒ no dividing countries. "

November 13th 1978, Public Program, Caxton Hall, London (England).

" Is the experience of the vibes and the meditation different depending on which country you're in?

I made my first business trip to New York in a long time last week, and while meditating in my hotel room with the background noise of the city around me, the vibes on my hands and in my body did feel distinctly different from being in London. It also took a little longer to go mentally silent. "
In Reply:

Great observation. This is true. The reason for that is because different countries or different locations around the world are the different chakras on the 'body' of the Mother Earth:
  • Sahasrara chakra  - Nepal /Himalayas
  • Mooladhara chakra - Australia
  • Nabhi chakra - Greece
  • Vishuddhi chakra - America
  • Heart chakra - UK
  • Back Agnya - China
  • Front Agnya - Russia
  • Void - Middle East / Europe
  • Left Swadisthan - South Africa
(List not complete). So if you're meditating in New York (America - vishuddhi/throat), you may feel more of the qualities of the vishuddhi, which relate to communicating/relating/organisations. Whereas if you're meditating in London (left heart chakra) , you might feel more of the sense of compassion towards yourself and to others. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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