Tuesday 9 November 2021

Your Miracle Just Waiting To Happen.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Your Miracle Just Waiting To Happen.

Dear Friend,

Have you ever been in a situation where you were desperate for a solution to a situation you were in, but all avenues were closed?

Most people's response to such a situation might be just to sit and worry; or to try something, anything. Or, to just give up and wait for the imagined worst to happen.

With regular kundalini meditation, your best bet would be the first part of option 3: just give up and wait.

The reason 'give up and wait' would open a 'hidden door' to a solution, is because with regular meditation, the energy centre in your throat,  'vishuddhi chakra opens out and develops a quality in you called in sanskrit, 'sakshi-twa' or the 'witnessing state'.

The special thing about the witnessing state, is that just by 'observing' a situation that affects you, you can have an effect on it, immediately . In other words miracles are real.

If this seems too much to believe, then get a load of this, a similar phenomenon has been discovered in quantum physics experiments:This capacity or quality of 'sakshi-twa' was fully developed in Shri Mataji and here are 9 people's experiences with her.

More below about how you're helped by miracles.

Also below: heal while you sleep - with raga bhairavi and how to harmonise head and heart  with a yoga of the hands,

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Raga Bhairavi - Healing Music For Relaxation, Sleep & Beyond.
When you climb into bed tonight, hit play on this and see what it does for you. Raga Bhairavi, is an Indian classical music composition that relates to your left yogic channel - the side of your emotions and of your past.  As the waves of this music wash over you, there's a soothing and calming of any turmoil from your left , which allows healing to take place.
Centring Yourself With Anjali Mudra - A Guided Meditation.
In yoga, 'anjali mudra' is when you press both palms together , and hold it against your chest. When the posture is held for 3 minutes or more, you begin to feel a centring effect. Your left hand (left channel/) representing your emotions is brought together with right hand(right channel) representing your physical/mental side to bring you into harmony. Then meditation is without effort, like this...
How You Could Be Helped By A Miracle.
Impossible is nothing. There's a certain realm where normal rules about how we understand the world to work, don't apply. And this is the realm which your kundalini's rising, introduces you to. In the old literature about the kundalini, she's described as 'kal-ateet', which means 'beyond time ' ie. beyond cause and effect. When you're beyond cause and effect, the following 3 impossible incidents are possible... 
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Quote of the Week

" ...by this happening [kundalini rising] you come into present and there is no thought, complete silence, complete peace. This state is called as 'thoughtless awareness'. In Sanskrit it is called as 'Nirvichara Samadhi'. This can be easily attained and in this state only you grow, spiritually. Then the second state is where you become absolutely doubtless; that is you become doubtless about yourself; doubtless about all this power [tangible vibes: all-pervading energy of existence]. But it's not mental, it's a state. "

July 23rd 1992, Public Program, Sofia (Bulgaria).

" I feel more centred and less stressed out about things with the meditation. Plus, issues seem to be working themselves out. How can I make faster progress, as I still can't feel vibes on my hands very well? 
In Reply:

Regularity is the key. Meditation is a personal investment in your own wellbeing, so is definitely worth making a little time everyday for it. Also, there's a saying that trees grow better in the forest, so whenever you can come along to the group meditation , you'll notice that it gives a boost to your practice.

It's also in the group meditation setting that you can develop your sensitivity to vibes.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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