Wednesday 4 August 2021

How To Grow Your Own Money Tree.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

How To Grow Your Own Money Tree.

Dear Friend,

The biggest festival in the world is the Kumbh Mela held on the banks of the river Ganges in India every 12 years, with a crowd size once reported to be 40 million on a single day.

The festival is in  commemoration of a semi-mythological event from India's timeless past called the Samudra Mathan, meaning 'the churning of the milk ocean'. It was from this churning that Amrita - the nectar of immortality - was said to have been produced. In the course of it's production, there were eight by-products, two of which were Surabhi (the 'holy cow' / 'cash cow') and a fabulous tree called Parijata ,a money tree.

These ancient Indian stories can be enjoyed as myths, but on a deeper level represent coded information about the eternal processes of the universe of which the human body is a microcosm.

Within the human body the only place a 'churning' could be said to take place is in the stomach ie your Nabhi chakra. Which means, to grow your Parijata tree, meditating on your Nabhi chakra might be a good start :o) . More about the secret of your Nabhi Chakra below.

Also below: Water is good you - especially 'curative' vibrated water - but how much should you be drinking a day? And, a simple way of clearing your nabhi and vishuddhi chakras to help you feel stronger vibes at crown of head and get deeper meditation and a relaxed facial appearance.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
How Much Water Should You Drink A Day?.
Drinking a sufficient amount of water everyday has benefits for your energy levels, your mood and your skin, amongst other things. But how much is 'sufficient'? As well as being dehydrated from a lack of water, you can also be over-hydrated from drinking too much - remembering that you're also getting water intake from some of the fruits and foods you eat. Here's some simple guidance you can go with....
Peace in Your Stomach Means Peace On Your Face - A Meditation.
The expression on your 'resting' face says a lot about what's happening in your gut. That's because the 'evolution' of your Nabhi chakra (stomach) is your Vishuddhi chakra (in throat) which is responsible for facial expression and personality. This connection was hinted at in the ancient Greek medicine of The Four Temperaments.  Here's a guided meditation to clear your Nabhi & Vishuddhi so you look honey-faced...
Money & Meditation - The Secrets Of Your Nabhi Chakra.
Spirituality and materialism may appear to have nothing to do which other but it's at the Nabhi chakra that their paths cross. Because 'hunger' for anything , whether a bigger house or spiritual freedom begins in the stomach - your Nabhi. When the higher aim is being pursued, the lower is achieved as a by-product of which there's ample evidence in Sahaja yoga. Here's what can happen...
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Quote of the Week

"Many people among you have become thoughtlessly aware. I know this. It means that upon closing your eyes if you look at your mind then there is no thought. If there is only thoughtless awareness then you should know that the Kundalini has crossed the Agnya Chakra and has spread in the Sahasrara Chakra but has not pierced through here. But if someone is getting a cool breeze in their hands then they should know that the Brahmarandhra [fontanelle] has been opened."

December 22nd 1975, Public Program, Mumbai (India).

" I've started to use public transport again now that my company has asked us to come back to the office, and I certainly feel the difference to my vibes compared to when I didn't have to travel. I feel a little less positive. Am I absorbing the negative vibes out there? "
In Reply:

Or it could just be that more energy is required to make the commute and to attend your place of work, so you may just be feeling the initial drain of that until you get used to it again.

At the same time, you are right. It is possible to absorb, for better or worse, the vibes of the space or environment we spend any amount of time in. If you're sitting in a tube carriage with a lot of unhappy people, some of the angst could rub off on you.

Shield your aura by raising your kundalini and putting on a 'bandhan' (see demo here), immediately before leaving the house. Also, remember to regularly use a cool salt-water footsoak / footspa as an energy detox. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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