Tuesday 27 July 2021

How Not To Get Tricked By Your Mind.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

How Not To Get Tricked By Your Mind.

Dear Friend,

Your mind may not always be your best friend and if you over-rely on it, you may sometimes end up making the wrong decisions about things.

It's far better to go with gut instinct or intuition or, better still, what the vibes that you feel on your hands are telling you: if it ain't cool; don't do it.

The mind is obviously good for somethings; otherwise humans would be 'mindless', with all the downside that word implies.

According to Sahaja Yoga, the mind is formed by our ego (future projection/ aspirations) and our conditionings (past influence/upbringing). These represent activity on our right-channel/ the father side (pingala nadi) and our left-side/the mother side (ida nadi), respectively.

Your Kundalini opens out your central channel (sushumna), and allows you to get over it - ie.your ego and conditionings. This is the meaning of the Buddha's 'middle way'.

With daily meditation your kundalini is easily able to pass through the proverbial 'eye of the needle' which is your agnya chakra, also known as the third eye. From there She begins to spread out in the 'kingdom of heaven' ie your sahasrara chakra. Mind dissolves and you're connected with reality.  More below about your intricate agnya chakra.

Also below: A book you'll want to at least dip into to get some tips about seeing things clearer; and vitilise yourself by belly breathing and then stilling your mind. 

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Book Recommendation - 'The Art Of Thinking Clearly'.
Something for your summer reading list: a million-copy international bestseller by Swiss author and entrepreneur, Rolf Dobelli about the pitfalls of the lazy acceptance of everyday falsehoods. Until the default human awareness shifts from a thinking awareness to a non-thinking awareness, at least we can get the thinking right . Sample the book here..
Belly Breathing & Stilling Breath For Mental Silence.
There's a connection between your pattern of breathing and your state of awareness. More oxygen to the brain equals more clarity in your head. But also , the stiller the breath ; the stiller the mind . The following guided meditation uses these two pieces of information in a short breathing exercise to help you achieve the state of mental silence (thoughtless awareness)...
Your 3rd Eye - How Not To Get Tricked By Your Mind.
It's just as well that we don't have our 3rd eye (agnya chakra) visible on the forehead. The actual physical manifestation of the agnya chakra are the pineal and pituitary glands in the brain. On a subtle level it gives us our ego and super-ego (conditionings) - the mind - which forms the rose-tinted or dark-tinted glasses with which we view the world and react to it. You'll see clearer with the glasses off. About your agnya...
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Quote of the Week

"I have already told you that the most important truth about you is that you are not this body, not mind, not your conditionings, your ego, but you are pure spirit ['Atma']. So now raise your right hand on your heart and say here with full confidence, twelve times, “Mother, I am the spirit.”

The divine Power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of love, joy and bliss, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you have committed can be easily dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself... "

April 11th 1991, Kundalini-awakening exercise, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne (Australia).

" I'm meditating everyday, and can feel a coolness on top of my head and on the palms of my hands when I'm sitting in front of Shri Mataji's photo. Could you please tell me how I can awaken my friends kundalini? "
In Reply:

Glad you mentioned the photo because so many people claim to have felt their kundalini rise from just watching the photo.

If you feel your friend would be open to experimenting with the photo, ask them to hold both palms open towards the photo, and address the photo as if they're speaking to a real person by saying three times:  "Shri Mataji, please give me my kundalini awakening.".

Now ask then to close their eyes and sit for a moment. Then they can raise their right hand, placing it  a few inches above their head to check for any sensation of coolness or warmth. They can then swap hands and check with the left hand. 

If they can't feel anything, you can check for them by holding your hand above their head.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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