Tuesday 10 August 2021

Why Setting Personal Goals Can Make You Happier - The Power Of Your Attention.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Why Setting Personal Goals Can Make You Happier.

Dear Friend,

Happiness can mean different things to different people but in Positive Psychology (see: Happiness By Design by Paul Dolan)  there are a few ingredients which are common to most people's experience of happiness.

These are : having purposebeing in the moment and choosing to pay attention to certain things over others (selective attention

One way of increasing your sense of purpose is to set yourself some personal goals . These could be a combination of short-term goals -something you'd like to achieve today or this week - to longer term goals. And could relate to anything that you feel would give you a big sense of personal achievement.

For the second two ingredients: being in the moment and selective attention, your daily meditation already helps you with that, of which more below. 

Also below: increase your ability to express yourself by clearing your vishuddhi chakra; and utilising that precious time before you go to sleep.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
2-Minute Urdhva Hastasana Pose For Clearing Your Vishuddhi Chakra.
'Urdhva Hastasana' or the yoga pose of upward stretched arms is said to release anxiety and stress; improve digestion; increases lung capacity and energises the whole body. It can also clear your vishuddhi chakra in throat which improves your capacity for self-expression and powers of communication, especially in groups. Download and keep this free guide to clearing your chakras...
And So To Bed - Benefits Of Connecting Before Sleep.
If you're the sort of person who either collapses in an exhausted heap at bedtime or spends a bit of time scrolling through your phone, then resist. Just 5 minutes spent clearing out the in-tray of your thinking mind (right swadisthan chakra) and reconnecting to who you truly are ( your spirit/left heart chakra) before bed can make a huge difference to how you feel the next morning. Here's a meditation you can use...
Personal Goal Setting - The Power Of Your Attention.
With your daily meditation, your kundalini is doing something extraordinary to your attention : she's  'enlightening' it, so that whatever you choose to pay meditative attention to (your selective attention), you can have a real effect on that . Normal human attention is like a canvas on which paint is thrown, but your attention is like the painter  - very good for goal setting and also this bigger picture...  
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Quote of the Week

"Now this power [kundalini] has to be harnessed to be understood; to be practical about it and that is the only thing you have to do in the next one month- is to be an expert, a real yogi. You become the real yogi, the real guru of yourself. You don’t need any other guru any more. You are the guru. You have to look after yourself. You will know how to guide yourself and the whole life transforms. Why?  Because you (rise) above… above the .. level of your thoughts and you can see everything clearly"

March 13th 1985, Public Program, Sydney (Australia).

" My daily routine has changed, which has affected my meditation practice. I'm not as consistent as I was and can feel the effect of that. Can I make up for it with a marathon meditation session on the weekend? "
In Reply:

Whatever extra time you can invest in yourself over the weekend, with a longer than usual sitting in meditation, is going to benefit you. But small, often, is better than a 'feast and famine' approach.

If you were spending 20 minutes or longer in meditation when you had the time, why not spend just 10 minutes or even 5 minutes, if you're now pressed for time.

Remember that Sahaja yoga meditation can be used as a tool for navigating daily life, such as: getting over worries, overcoming problems and achieving success in small things and large things on a daily basis. So, it's possible to blend it  into your lifestyle, in the way that you eat and sleep everyday, as a matter of course, without thinking about it.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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