Sunday 29 August 2021

3 Ways You'll Feel Better When You Forgive Someone .


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

3 Ways You'll Feel Better When You Forgive Someone .

Dear Friend,

Letting stuff go -the wrong things someone may have said or done to you - is a form of self-love.

If you hold on to a hurt by someone, then the wound (to yourself) won't heal and could even fester.

It should be easier to forgive friends, family or work colleagues, but sometimes it's not.  When you do forgive, however,  you'll feel better for it because 1. there won't be anything playing on your mind  2. you'll have turned a negative into a positive 3. you'll have elevated yourself by rising above it.

And why is this important for yoga? Because when you don't forgive, it creates a block or obstacle on your agnya chakra in your forehead, which prevents your kundalini from rising past that point. More about your agnya chakra below.

Also below: Sing yourself better and the how to recharge your emotional battery .
Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
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If you're going to sing in the shower, let it do something for you. The human body is like a musical instrument of seven notes (the chakras). When the instrument is out of tune, it affects your wellness. Heal yourself by learning to sing, with Shaswati, in the Indian 'Raga' system of music. Drop an email to Shaswati and see this TED talk about the 'necessity of singing'...
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Your Agnya Chakra & Forgiving Someone.
"To err is human; to forgive, divine". When you forgive someone, there's a subtle effect on your agnya chakra  - it opens up. This allows your kundalini to pass through and reach your sahasrara or crown chakra, where 'yoga' or the union between your individual spirit and the all-pervading energy of existence takes place. Your agnya chakra is also known as the 'third eye' and here's how it works...
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Quote of the Week

" In whom the peace is established, only there can this tree [enlightened human consciousness through kundalini] grow. That’s why you should first go into thoughtlessness. For that I don’t see any other way, other than meditation. First we should meditate and establish our thoughtlessness...when we have to grow then it is important that we stay in meditation and establish thoughtlessness."

February 16th 1986, 'Learn To Love Yourself', New Delhi (India).

" A friend of mine, who is a reiki master, is persuading me to take the reiki level 1 course. Although the fees for the course seem reasonable, I'm still not sure. Would you say that reiki is compatible with sahaja yoga meditation?".
In Reply:

It's up to you what you choose to do, but certainly for anyone trying to establish their Sahaja yoga practice - ie achieving the ability to rest in a state of mental silence (thoughtless awareness), starting with a clean slate, helps avoid getting mixed results from mixing up different practices.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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