Monday 23 August 2021

Here's The Cure For Your Over-Thinking.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Here's The Cure For Your Over-Thinking .

Dear Friend,

If you play on repeat in your head something someone said to you at work, to try and figure out whether there was some hidden meaning, then you may be over-thinking it.

Mental reflection about anything is OK and most people do it from time to time. But if you find that you have a  tendency to mentally reflect all the time about anything, then this is what is called 'ruminative thinking' which has been linked to various mental health issues like anxiety, depression and OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder).

We learn from holistic approaches to health that where an issue is reported is not necessarily where an issue is coming from. So in Sahaja yoga, something like over-thinking or ruminative thinking, is not an issue of mental health but is an issue to do with an 'overactive' liver. This makes it much more easily treatable, because liver problems can usually be resolved by a modification to the diet eg. cutting down on coffee drinking.

Your liver is looked after by your swadisthana chakra, which is also the chakra that relates to your powers of concentration, attention and focus. If you overthink a little, then clear your swadisthana chakra - see below.

Also below: the surprising health benefits of just standing barefoot on the grass; and how to use your crown chakra.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Health Benefits Of Standing Barefoot On Grass.
The next time you feel stressed about something, take your shoes off and go stand on a patch of grass for 5 minutes. The stress will drain out through your feet and you'll feel much more relaxed and better able to deal with whatever was causing the stress. It's like discharging internal static by earthing yourself . The best time is in the morning when there's dew on the grass. Do regularly for these benefits...
How To Use Your Crown Chakra - Your Problem Solver.
No matter what problem or dilemma you face, there's a solution out there; you've just got to be quiet long enough in your head, for that flash of inspiration. When your kundalini rises during your meditation and pierces your crown chakra, you're connected to the organising principle of Nature which works everything out. Here's a quick problem-solver, guided meditation...
Here's The Cure For Your Over-Thinking.
If the thoughts chasing themselves around in your head makes it feel sometimes that your head would burst, then stop what you're doing; get an icepack from your fridge; wrap it in a tea towel and press and hold it on your liver, which is on the right side of your body, just below your ribcage. When your liver cools down , it will make you quieter in your head. Better still , clear your swadisthan chakra like this...
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Quote of the Week

" Now I’ll tell you what is the solution [to Global Food Poverty/Climate Change]. Only by worrying about it or talking about it you don’t solve. The thing is, when you people get these cool vibrations in the hand [from kundalini Awakening] and if you give back to the Mother Earth, now you can give back. We have experimented [with vibrated water] that the food grows ten times more,...Then the Mother Earth herself comes up in new forms, to help the human kind. The whole atmosphere changes, all the elements help you "

September 4th 1983, Public Program, Vienna (Austria)..

" When are the in-person meditation sessions starting up again?"
In Reply:

Some of our venues, including Chelsea and Hampstead, have opened up already. There will be continued availability of online sessions -see button below and further up- so there remains that alternative to the venues that haven't opened up yet.

If you wish to come along to the Chelsea group meditation at 7:30pm on Tuesdays, then grab a free ticket here. The ticket system is being used to prevent an over-subscribed attendance, in order to allow good spacing with the seating.

For those of you currently enjoying and benefitting from the online meditation  sessions, do consider supplementing this with an energy boost that comes with meditating with others in the same physical space.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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