Wednesday 8 September 2021

How To Easily Solve Problems & Get Inspiration.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

 How To Easily Solve Problems & Get Inspiration.

Dear Friend,

What do you do when you've got to come up with a solution to some problem you're facing? Like most people, you'd probably just try and think it through.

That may work, but some problems don't have easy solutions and what you'll need instead is some inspiration. Except that inspiration doesn't come out of a tap that you can turn on and off.

Or does it?  It may, if you're practising your daily Sahaja yoga meditation.

When you're in 'thoughtless awareness' ( not thinking) that's when your tap of inspiration is on. In thoughtless awareness, three powers you have over the situation start expressing. These are :
  • the power of immunity - the problem no longer affects you.
  • the power of inspiration - a solution just drops in.
  • the power of change - the problem disappears by itself because circumstances suddenly change.
Even one minute of thoughtless awareness can produce a result. More below about the power of not thinking and where scientific discoveries come from. 

Also below: the health benefits of clarified butter (ghee), and a guided meditation to commune with the universe.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
The Health Benefits Of Ghee & How To Make Some.
Ghee or clarified butter is a staple of Ayurvedic medicine and is sometimes regarded as a superfood. In Sahaja yoga it is used in Nasya treatment to help the hamsa chakra. Ghee's health benefits include: boosts digestion; improves immunity; fights inflammation and, reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. You can use it as a butter substitute; in warm drinks or cook rice with it. 
'Carpe Diem' (Seize The Day) - The Benefits Of Meditating At Dawn.
There's no one around; the silence seems as vast as the space above your head, and you feel connected to the cosmos. If wishes come true, then it's because they're written on the sky at dawn. When you're going through changes or when you want to bring about change, there's really only one time to do it and that's the early morning hours. Meditate to this...
Your Best Ideas  From Outside The Box - When You're NOT Thinking.
If you're involved in any kind of creative work, you're going to need to know this, if you want to be better at tapping into inspiration . According to Sahaja yoga, the brain is not a box, but more like a radio receiver capable of catching a signal - think Wi-Fi. In that sense, all thinking is a form of noise or static and when you tune it out, what you get is a clear signal.  Science discoveries?...
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Quote of the Week

" I call it a 'blossom time' because many flowers [human beings] have to become the fruits [achieve enlightenment]. They call it 'last judgement', 'Qiyamah' (arabic word). There are many names for these special times, of modern times called as 'Kali yuga' ('age of ignorance'). At this time, it is already predicted that many seekers will be born, many souls will be born and they will get their 'resurrection' [kundalini awakening]. It’s already been predicted thousands of years back in India and the time has come today for you to achieve your realization [kundalini awakening]. I have already told you it’s a living process of evolution. Now we have become human beings, what did we do about it? Nothing. What? How much did we pay for it? Nothing. You can’t pay for it..." 

October 11th 1993, Public Program, Los Angeles (USA).

" I sometimes lack the confidence to speak up in certain situations. The result is that I end up going along with something I may not agree with; or feel that I've been taken advantage of. How can I build up my self-confidence?"
In Reply:

Everyone has probably experienced a drop in confidence at some point, so you're not alone. The commonest suggestion for what you describe, is to attend some form of assertiveness training (or read the assertiveness self-help here).

In Sahaja yoga, it's your centre heart chakra and vishuddhi chakra in throat, that relate to your confidence (security) and communications skills, respectively.

Use this guided meditation to help to open those chakras up.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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