Tuesday 1 June 2021

Try Doing This When You're Facing A Challenge - Power Of Change In Your Hands.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Using The Power Of Change in Your Hands.

Dear Friend,

You underestimate yourself. When facing a challenge or when some situation is weighing on your mind, that you don't necessarily have much control over,  do you: a) just worry about it?  b) hope for best?

Neither a) or b) is calming to the mind, but, if you're meditating daily and can feel your kundalini and the vibes, why not use your meditation to positively influence the things that are of concern to you.

The way to do that lies in your hands, literally. More below. 

Also below : Recognising your buddha-nature; and, the restorative power of sleep. The poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge said it best :
"Oh sleep! it is a gentle thing, Beloved from pole to pole! To Mary Queen the praise be given! She sent the gentle sleep from Heaven, That slid into my soul."
(Rime of the Ancient Mariner).

Best wishes

ps. photo collage of sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Sleep On It - The Benefits Of Getting A Good Night's Rest.
Exercise, nutrition, meditation and - sleep. While you're doing everything else right to look after yourself and be the best that you can be ; dont forget sleep. Studies have shown the critical part that quality sleep plays in our mental and physical health, as well as to our resilience and ability to handle any challenges that life throws at us. Don't forget to footsoak before bed. Here's what the research shows...
Finding Your Inner Buddha Or How Buddha Got Kundalini Awakening .
There's buddha-nature in everyone . Kundalini awakening starts you on the path to discovering it, if you decide to pay attention. The thing that gave the Buddha his enlightenment and  the state of nirvana was his kundalini - the full force of her. If Buddha's state is the mature tree, then yours is the recently germinated sapling. Here's how Buddha got kundalini awakening...
Using The Power Of Change In Your Hands - A Guided Meditation. 
To change the channel on your TV, you don't have to get up and walk to it. Just sitting where you are, a few feet away, and pressing a button on the remote , the channel changes. This is action at a distance. In the same way, when paying meditative attention to something that is of concern to you and using a power in your hands you can change things . Try it out now , here... 
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Quote of the Week

" In Sahaja Yoga, as you grow from one to another, there are different types of Anandas.

Like we can say, the spirit, when you see the Spirit, you get an Anand, called Swananda. That means you feel your spirit yourself, and you feel very happy. Then you give Realization to others, you get Parananda, joy of others. But when you get the enjoyment of well-being, in health and materially all right and everything all right, everything in “Santosha”, in complete satisfaction, then it’s Brahmananda.  And like that you start feeling higher and higher joys within yourself. Because your nerves start opening to new dimensions."
May 2nd 1985, Vienna (Austria).

" It's becoming difficult to balance between work and personal life. It is much difficult to give 100% to either work or children or to myself during this pandemic situation. Seems like there's stillness and I'm unable to cherish or achieve happiness in this busiest times."
In Reply:

Meditation is self-care and self-care deserves at least the same priority as work. You need to create some 'space' for yourself.

For any parent trying to manage work tasks and look after children during the lockdown it hasn't been easy.  Leaving home to go to a place of work allows you to better separate work life from home life which, ironically, gives you more 'space'. When  that boundary is removed due to WFH all that 'space' is squeezed out which can make anyone feel stressed.

The situation should improve as things return to a version of normal after June 21st when remaining pandemic restrictions are set to be lifted. Also, for many organisations the importance of work-life balance has been brought into focus by the forced social experiment of WFH that we've all had to go through, and any employee requests for flexible work arrangements, particularly around child care , should be more favourably considered.

Something you can do immediately is a foot soak with cool salt water before bedtime. This therapy treats your whole body by removing the stresses and tensions through your feet . You'll get a better quality of sleep afterwards, which itself is a medicine for all that you're currently experiencing.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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