Tuesday 8 June 2021

Getting Healing & Wellness From Self-Integration.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Getting Healing & Wellness From Self-Integration.

Dear Friend,

Your brain, heart and liver are not necessarily in agreement and can be reflected in how satisfied you are with life. The brain, heart and liver represent how you spend your mental , emotional , and creative resources respectively.
If all 3 are harnessed to the same purpose then you're more likely to achieve your goals and sense of fulfilment. Otherwise, there's frustration.

With daily meditation, your kundalini begins to integrate your chakras, which are the different facets of your personality, This then can have a transformative effect on your life in such a way that brain, heart and liver are brought into harmony. More below.

Also below : why not feed yourself some love by growing and eating your own vegetables, plus a guided meditation tracing the kundalini's path of light.

Best wishes

ps. photo collage of sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Green Fingers - How To Start Growing Your Own Vegetables.
Food that you grow yourself and put love into will nourish you in a way that supermarket produce cannot. You could buy from a farmer's market  or buy organic but this still won't match the delight and satisfaction you'll get from buying seeds, vibrating them, planting them, nurturing them and picking them when ripe .  Here's how to  begin...
Royal Path Into Light - A Guided Meditation.
In ancient yoga literature , kundalini is personified as the sleeping Virgin Queen, who when awakened from slumber, proceeds regally to her throne at the crown of the head, touching along the way the 6 (7) chakras and making them blossom. This may have been the hidden meaning of the fairy tale , Sleeping Beauty & the 7 dwarves. Here's a meditation tracing this royal path...  
Cracked Mirror - Healing With Self-Integration. 
If you find that your heart is not in the work you do (brain) nor are you able to place your personal stamp on anything worthwhile, then it's the equivalent of trying to see yourself in a cracked mirror: the image is not complete. With a little meditative focus on yourself, things can be turned around. Your kundalini knows your potential and integrates your chakras to produce a complete image of yourself like this...
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Quote of the Week

" So what is the pure desire? That, you all know, is the kundalini. Kundalini is the power of pure desire, which fulfils your pure desire to be the spirit, to be Buddha, to be enlightened. Buddha means a person who is enlightened....
...But that enlightenment which settled in Buddha, is not settled in us because our chakras were not cleansed as He had cleansed His chakras. We had the same body, the same mind and the same attitude when we got realization."

August 4th 1991, Deinze (Belgium).

" My mum worries a lot and I'd like to introduce her to this meditation because it has helped me. How do I go about it?"
In Reply:

You could invite her to sit with you for 5 minutes when you meditate. Begin your meditation by mentally raising your kundalini and putting on a bandhan, and then mentally doing the same for her.

Ask her to hold the focus of her attention on top of her head - while you do the same - to see if she can feel anything.

Sit still, quiet , eyes closed for 5 minutes. Finish; open your eyes and ask her how she felt. Chances are that she'll have become relaxed and her mind quietened down.

Meditate together in this way, whenever mutually convenient. As she begins to notice how better it makes her feel , she may decide to sit and meditate of her own accord. If she wants to know more after that , I'm sure she'll ask you.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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