Tuesday 29 June 2021

How Speaking What You Want, Can Make It Real.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

How Speaking What You Want, Can Make It Real.

Dear Friend,

"In the beginning, was the word..." .Your words have a materialising power which you should exercise.

According to the philosophy of yoga, when you speak , when words come out of your mouth, it's called 'vaikhari', which is the 4th and final stage in the production of human speech. The prior 3 stages are: 'para' (nabhi chakra/stomach)- when an idea is formed; 'pashyanti' (anahat chakra/heart) - when the idea may be associated with imagery; 'madhyama' (vishuddhi chakra/throat)- when the impulse to verbalise arises.

This human speech production is an exact replica of the creative urge ('Logos' in Greek philosophy) that is said to be responsible for the calling into existence of the entire cosmos.

With kundalini awakening, your speech at the 'para' stage becomes 'enlightened', which is like drawing water from the same deep well that all material existence has risen from. This is how it is that, in potential, your speaking has creative force.

This is directly relevant to use of mantras in Sahaja yoga but would also apply, for example, if you use affirmations for making yourself the best that you can be or to achieve goals. More below.

Also below: Why it's good to take care of your liver and a guided meditation to enlighten your heart.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Benefits Of Taking Care Of Your Liver.
If you find it difficult to sleep sometimes; if you tend to over-think things or are easily irritated; if you worry a lot or find that you aren't able to settle into a regular meditation routine, then pay attention to your liver - the large organ below your ribcage on your right side. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), there could be a 'stagnation of qi (vital energy)' or 'liver fire' - known in Sahaja yoga as an 'over-active liver' and cured like this...
Lighting Up Your 3 Hearts - A Guided Meditation.
You may have only one physical heart but according to Sahaja Yoga, there are 3 subtle dimensions to it . These are the left , right and centre, representing  transcendence ('atma'/spirit), benevolence and security, respectively. Like blossoming roses that give fragrance, your 'triple-heart' begins to slowly open with daily meditation and it's qualities begin to seep into your personality. Here's a guided meditation just for your heart...
How Speaking What You Want, Can Make It Real. 
Verbalise more and things could work out. If you have a goal or want to achieve something, why not write it down and then read it out  - aloud. Or make up your own short, easy to remember affirmations . It's also therapy. Speaking, even if speaking to yourself , can release the tension of having something bottled up inside. With regular sahaja yoga meditation, you may be surprised when what you say, begins to materialise..in this way... 
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Quote of the Week

" ...your Kundalini...If you try to understand that She’s the one who loves you the most, because She is your individual Mother. And, if you try to follow Her, you will see that She’s suggesting where is the problem with you [on your chakras], what you have to correct, what you have to do. Because She wants to perfect you. She wants to help you."

October 15th 1979, Caxton Hall, London (UK).

" Why is it that sometimes when I meditate, I can feel my kundalini very strongly on top of my head, and at other times the experience of it is less? "
In Reply:

Your kundalini is like a rope of energy made up of many strands, which don't all rise at once.

The reason they don't all rise at once is because some of the energy of the kundalini is diverted into repairing/ nourishing /healing the particular chakras that might need it, every time you sit down in meditation.

The more strands that rise, the stronger experience you get at sahasrara (crown) chakra; the fewer the strands, the less pronounced the experience.

Both are positive. In the first case, you'll get a deeper meditation; in the second case, your good health is being attended to.     
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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