Tuesday 22 June 2021

Control Changes That Affect You & Be Happier.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Control Changes That Affect You & Be Happier.

Dear Friend,

Whenever you feel that you are in a situation that you have no control over and which stresses you out,  remind yourself that you are better equipped to handle it than you realise.

All problems, to some degree, are really situations we feel we have no control over. The commonest problems most people face, according to Psychology Clinic, include health, work, money and personal problems.

Whatever it is, your kundalini equips you to ride out and resolve these 'situation changes' by simply paying meditative attention to them. More below.

Also below: 3 things to do on the longest day of the year; and how to boost your emotional intelligence using meditation. 

Best wishes

ps. photo collage of sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
3 Things To Do On Summer Solstice.
Summer traditionally begins on the summer solstice, June 21st, the longest day of the year. Unless you're  a druid you probably won't be heading down to Stonehenge at sunrise to do pagan rituals. So, instead, from the comfort of your home, here are 3 other things you can easily do: 1 - wake up early and do Surya Namaskar to salute the sun; 2-catch a livestream of Stonehenge; 3- Admire NASA's 'breathtaking views of the sun' .
Power Your Emotional Intelligence - A Guided Meditation.
It's been said that people with a high EQ (emotional intelligence) tend to be successful because they have great social skills from being able to empathize with others and therefore communicate better. We could all use every advantage we can get, so here's a guided meditation for your left side(emotions) to crank up your EQ...
Control Changes That Affect You & Be Happier. 
This is you on the beach at your favourite holiday destination when learning your airline has gone bust. Not all changes can be captured as a happy holiday snap but the effect can be the same if you decide to focus your daily meditation on any change causing you stress. When you develop this power of  'enlightened' focus , it helps not only yourself but can be used for problems on a wider scale, like this... 
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Quote of the Week

" And this is very important today, as you can see, for the emancipation of the world, for the emancipation of human beings. And to give them lovejoy, which is their right! So Sahaja Yoga is: "sahaja" means "saha", born with you. "Saha" is with, "ja" means born. Born with you is this. I should say the right is a very, very, very fundamental right that you get your Realization is "yoga", union with the Divine. This is your right to get it, everybody has this right to get it. And then you will realise what have you got. Before that, you are still on a level which is not subtle."
June 15th 1999, Central Park, New York City (United States).

" I'm reading a book that a friend recommended. Every time I pick the book up , I feel a sudden pinch on my left thumb. What does that mean? "
In Reply:

Never judge a book by it's cover - this applies to a lot of things; instead, judge it on it's vibes, which is what you're feeling on your thumb.

The left thumb corresponds with your left swadisthana chakra (truthful knowledge). The 'pinch' indicates a catch or block of that chakra. The block could relate to the subject matter of the book; the author, or the friend if the book was theirs before they gave it to you.       
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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