Tuesday 25 May 2021

Your 7 States Of Joy - And How To Get Them .


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Your 7 States Of Joy  - And How To Get Them .

Dear Friend,

You're designed for Joy (Bliss / 'Ananda').

While happiness and unhappiness depend on whether your ego is boosted by something or deflated by it, experiencing Ananda doesn't depend on your mind at all, but is part of the wiring of your central nervous system. 

There are natural highs built into you. The effects of, for example, cannabis come from a key compound it contains, called THC, 'binding' with a cannabinoid receptor in the body. This is like turning up at a house with a random bunch of keys (cannabis) and discovering that some of the keys (THC) fit perfectly into some of the locks (receptors) to open the doors (get high). But the house has it's own set of keys - the 'natural' ones, that open the doors 'naturally'. In medical pharmacology, this is called Anandamide (ANA), which was named after the sanskrit word 'Ananda' meaning Bliss or Joy.

As there are different doors in a house, there are different 'flavours' of Ananda that you can experience. Below is how to get 7 of them.

Also below: the benefits of eating almonds; and, a hand yoga pose that can help you get quickly into meditation.

Best wishes

ps. photo collage of sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Why You Should Get A Daily Dose Of Almonds.
If you're vegan or lactose-intolerant and use almond milk as a replacement for dairy milk, then you'll probably know that the almond in the milk is just 2-3%. You may be better off buying actual almonds and making your own. Or, just eat the almonds. There's a lot of nutritional value packed into the nut that your body would sing about. Here are 9 health benefits you get from eating some almonds daily... 
The 'Middle Way' - A Guided Meditation For Centering Yourself .
Whenever you feel negative emotions about your past  or are a little anxious about the future, take a deep breath, press your palms together in front of your chest ('Anjali mudra'), close your eyes and hold your attention at the crown of your head for 5 minutes. There! Feeling better? Try it again following along with this guided meditation and see how you feel...
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The individual flowers that make up a bouquet can be enjoyed individually - their scent, their colour - but by putting them altogether as a bouquet, it has a total enjoyable effect that cannot be easily described. In the same way, when the transformative power of kundalini is developed within you through daily meditation, you can experience the following 6 joys and a 7th which is indescribable...
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Quote of the Week

 During meditation you should first establish thoughtless awareness. At that moment you should keep saying ‘not this’, ‘not this’ or ‘neti’, ‘neti’ – like this you should turn away your thoughts. By doing this and by taking two breaths, after the first breath you will become thoughtless. You should keep the photo in front and light a candle in front of the Photograph. Put your feet in salt water and sit in front of it. When you become thoughtless and vibrations start flowing in both hands then wipe your feet, place it on the ground and go into meditation. Go deep into meditation. If you start getting thoughts again, you can say, ‘not this’ ‘not this’ or say ‘kshma’, ‘kshma’ [I forgive, I forgive]. The word ‘kshma’ [I forgive] is very important. Just by staying this your thoughts can stop."

April 9th 1990, Kolkata (India), Talking to Sahaja Yogis.

" I'm at a career-crossroad, how do I use the meditation to figure out what I want to do next? "
In Reply:

Wake up at 4am everyday for a week and meditate. Three things will happen: 
  • You'll achieve a deeper meditation because of the pre-dawn stillness, which will give you better clarity about any decisions you have to make.
  • You'll begin to touch your real self / your spirit which is ultimately the source of your joy. 'Follow your bliss' is a good guide.
  • You'll be able to tune in better to the 'paramchaitanya' - the all-pervading energy - which is the source of inspiration .
Aim to meditate for 10 - 20 mins and afterwards , it's OK to go back to bed and get up at your normal time. It's just that the 4am time is especially good for meditation.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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